International Study Centre / Language Centre
The ISZ (International Study Centre)/Language Centre is a central institution belonging to the University of Kassel. It offers students, doctoral candidates and employees of the University, as well as some guests, a wide range of language and key competence courses to prepare them for and/or to accompany their studies. It also supports the integration of international students and the internationalisation of German students with a variety of support and encounter programmes such as a Tandem Language Exchange Programme, a Buddy Programme and a Welcome Family Programme.
Semester Dates
Latest news
- Course Programme during the Semester
- DSH test results
- Application for withdrawal from the examination / application for a retake exam
- Application for a retake exam
- Course Withdrawal
- Language Certificates (for student mobility abroad)
- Terms and Conditions (PDF) - PDF 58,74 KB (opens in a new window)
- Examination regulations - PDF 77,28 KB (opens in a new window)