Publications and Lectures


Bibbert, Mark: Prostitution Legislation: Regulations in the Dark. In Social Magazine 45th ed. H3-4. pp. 6 - 15, 2020.

Bibbert, Mark: Emotions and morality in discourses of problematization. Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Social Problems and Social Control and Sociology of Knowledge Sections. In: Newsletter of the Sociology of Knowledge Section. No. 33, 2019.

Hill, Elisabeth / Bibbert, Mark: On the regulation of prostitution. A discourse-analytic consideration of the Prostitute Protection Act. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2019.

Bibbert, Mark / Hill, Elisabeth: Conference Report - Multiple Modernities Multiple Gender Cultures. In Sociology; Volume 46; Issue 2, 2017.

Bibbert, Mark / Mischler, Antonia / Geng, Bernd / Harrendorf, Stefan: Preliminary considerations on the analysis of radicalization trajectories on the Internet. In: Neue Kriminalpolitik, vol. 29, issue 4, 2017.


Bibbert, Mark: The Doll-as-Relational-Object. Dingkonstitution in Subjektivierungssituationen. Lecture in the context of the conference: Sexualitäten Sammeln; Deutsches Hygiene Museum Dresden, 2021.

Bibbert, Mark: Discourse research and gender. Paper presented at the Interdisciplinary Introductory Lecture in Approaches to Gender Research; University of Kassel, 2019.

Bibbert, Mark: Artificial Intimacy: On the construction of possible worlds. Paper presented at: 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association:Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging; University of Manchester, 2019.

Bibbert, Mark: Making Truth About Prostitution. Paper presented at the conference: Unspoken, Unseen, Unheard of - Unexplored Realities in Qualitative Research, St. Gallen, 2018.

Bibbert, Mark: Intersexuality & The Third Sex. Lecture at the University of Greifswald, 2018.

Bibbert, Mark: Regulations in the Dark. A discourse-analytical consideration of the Prostitute Protection Act. Paper presented at the conference: Current Approaches to Sex Work Research: "Migration Issues, Representation Issues and Discourses and their Impact in and through Science," University of Salzburg, 2017.

Bibbert, Mark: On the architecture of digital antifeminism. Paper presented at the conference: Gender in Focus, University of Greifswald, 2017.