Doctoral candidates
Doctoral project in supervision (working title)
Samia Aden
Transnational youth in the context of flight and asylum. A multi-sited ethnography in Somalia and Germany.
Anfal Awad
Work-Life Balance and Career Success for Migrant Mothers: A Coaching Model Drawing from the Experiences of Employed Migrant Women and Integrating Sociological, Psychological, and Employer Perspectives.
Miriam Bach
Participatory Research in the Context of "Women* and Flight*Migration.
Nina Behboud
"Socio-ecological transformation in early education: Diversity sensitivity and criticism of discrimination/racism as a pedagogical-professional imperative in specialist teacher training. An ethnographic study."
Anke Freuwört
Political participation put to the test - refugee-related articulation possibilities in Germany.
Nisren Habib
Uncovering the effects of nationalism: The interplay between nationalism, gender and family power relations in Syria
Christopher Horne
"Images for sustainable development - action orientations for the climate discourse in non-fiction textbooks"
Franziska Korn
Refugee families in daycare centers. Negotiations on education and upbringing between early childhood education centers and family.
Eva Küssner
It doesn't work without conflict - conflict as a task of political education
Martha Kleist
Subject constructions of resettlement refugees in Germany and Canada - An empirical analysis at the interface of flight and disability
Pia Schirrmeister
Care, climate, crisis - connections and perspectives. Transformative educational practices at nursing schools
Lara-Lee Terkowski
"The institutional processing of participation in integration assistance"
Habilitation project
Dr. phil. Jiayin Li-Gottwald