Doctoral candidates

Completed doctorates

Katharina Böttcher
The integration course. A critical-reflexive multi-level analysis with special consideration of the concrete teaching practice of the language course with migrant women in Hamburg.

Walla Shehata Sayed Hassan

The Challenges of integration for Muslim Adolescents in Germany from the perspective of social work: participation in culture and sports activities. (second opinion)

Karin Kämpfe
Childhoods in European migration societies - children's orientations in the context of migration and difference.

Tijen Mollenhauer
Marital partnership histories and break-ups among women of Turkish origin in Germany.(second opinion)

Johannes Müller

Identity constructions of marginalized youths in informal sport movement activities (second opinion)

Ronja Müller-Kalkstein
Resource-oriented localizations of belonging. A qualitative study on the self-positioning of women with a traditional Italian immigrant background in an urban context. (double peer review)

Jung Lim Oh
Care horizons of older South Korean migrant workers. Opening and Closure in the Context of Early Immigration. (second opinion)

Saumya Pant
Home is where the heart is: Experiences, Expectations and Struggles of Highly Qualified Female Love Migrants.

Sarah Schönweitz
Life in a "double pack"? Female twins in the tension between the desire for individualization and the expectation of collectivity.

Yasemin Ucan
Educational Goal Multilingualism - A Qualitative Study on Education and Parenting in the Context of Migration.

Jens Vogler
Working relationships in the field of migration. An empirical study on the multi-layered actions of social workers and volunteers. (peer review)

Doctoral project in supervision (working title)

Samia Aden
Transnational youth in the context of flight and asylum. A multi-sited ethnography in Somalia and Germany.

Miriam Bach
Participatory research in the context of "women* and refugee* migration.

Anke Freuwört
Political participation put to the test - refugee-related articulation possibilities in Germany.

Franziska Korn
Refugee families in day care centers. Negotiations on education and upbringing between early childhood education centers and the family.

Olga Kytidou
On the media construction of juvenile delinquency and juvenile delinquency of refugees in selected migration societies.

Eva Küssner
It doesn't work without conflict - conflict as a task of political education

Martha Kleist
Subject constructions of resettlement refugees in Germany and Canada - An empirical analysis at the interface of flight and disability

Habilitation project

Dr. phil. Jiayin Li-Gottwald