Publications and Lectures


Zalewski, Ingmar (2022). Alfred Schütz Revisited: Social Exclusion of Refugees in Brandenburg. Qualitative Sociology Review, 18(2), 72-88.

Zalewski, Ingmar (2022). Negotiating asymmetries: From (de)thematizing give and take in ethnographic relationships using refugee research as an example [36 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 23(1), art. 8.

Mohammed, Shahin, Muhammed, Harun, Zalewski, Ingmar & Thomas, Stefan (2019). On the participation of refugee youth in the peer research project "New in Germany": A multilogue between professional and co-researchers. In Michaela Köttig & Dieter Röh (Eds.), Social work in democracy - Democracy promotion in social work: Theoretical analyses, societal challenges, and reflections on democracy promotion and participation (pp.185-195). Opladen: Budrich.

Zalewski, Ingmar (2018). "Maybe you are refugee, but you are human": On the challenge of remaining a subject after flight. In Rita Braches-Chyrek, Tilman Kallenbach, Christina Müller & Lena Stahl (Eds.), Educational and participation opportunities for refugees. Critical discussions in social work (pp. 25-34). Opladen, Berlin & Toronto: Budrich.

Thomas, Stefan, Sauer, Madeleine & Zalewski, Ingmar (2018). Unaccompanied minor refugees: Their living situations and perspectives in Germany. Bielefeld: transcript.

Sauer, Madeleine, Thomas, Stefan & Zalewski, Ingmar (2018). Potentials and pitfalls of peer research in participatory research with unaccompanied minor refugees. In Carola Frank, Margarete Jooß-Weinbach, Steffen Loick Molina & Gabriel Schoyerer (Eds.), The path to the object in child and youth welfare research. Methodological challenges for qualitative approaches (pp.222-244). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Zalewski, Ingmar (2017). Exclusion experiences of refugees from Cameroon: challenges and strategies after flight. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Zalewski, Ingmar (2014). Psychology - Genesis of a science: a problem-historical analysis on the discourse of the unconscious. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Lectures (selection)

Zalewski, Ingmar (09/2021). Ethnography of Relationship: A Qualitative Approach for Research on Youth at the Margins, 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Research Network "Qualitative Methods", University of Barcelona (Online).

Zalewski, Ingmar (05/2021). Ethnography of Relationship: Methodological and Ethical Implications from a Field Research with Unaccompanied Refugee Young Men from Syria, Final Conference of NFG 16 "Bildungskontexte und (Aus-)Bildungswege von jungen Geflüchteten im Spannungsfeld von Ein- und Ausgrenzung" of the Hans Böckler Foundation, Freiburg University of Education (Online).

Zalewski, Ingmar (11/2020). Ethnography of an Evolving Relationship: A Fieldwork Project with Unaccompanied Syrian Refugee Youth in Germany, Midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Research Network "Youth & Generation", University of Kuopio (Online).

Zalewski, Ingmar (08/2019). Studying "integration" among unaccompanied Syrian refugee youth in Germany: Alfred Schütz applied in ethnography, 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Research Network "Youth & Generation", University of Manchester.

Zalewski, Ingmar (06/2019). Forced migration and the manifold ways of social exclusion: Notes on some problems of "integration" from a lifeworld perspective, 16th International Migration, Integration and Social Cohension (IMISCOE) Conference", Malmö University

Zalewski, Ingmar (10/2018). Exploring social exclusion within the lifeworld of young refugees: empirical insights and future perspectives, 2nd conference of the Netzwerk Fluchtforschung, University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.

Thomas, Stefan & Zalewski, Ingmar (04/2018). Possibilities and limitations of participatory research in a peer research with unaccompanied minor refugees on the topic 'New in Germany', Annual Conference of the German Society for Social Work (DGSA), University of Hamburg.

Zalewski, Ingmar (11/2017). The situation of unaccompanied minor refugees in Brandenburg, Germany: Empirical findings from the perspective of the subject (Keynote), Trust Research Project, University of Tampere.

Sauer, Madeleine & Zalewski, Ingmar (11/2017). Participatory research with unaccompanied minor refugees in Brandenburg, 3rd Brandenburg Congress of Youth Work, Potsdam University of Applied Sciences.

Thomas, Stefan, Sauer, Madeleine & Zalewski, Ingmar (11/2017). Situation of unaccompanied minor refugees in Brandenburg considering their subjective perspective, Symposium "Inklusion statt Isolation - Beziehungsstiftende, partizipatorische Ansätze in der Arbeit mit geflüchteten Kindern und Jugendlichen" of the Sozialpädagogisches Fortbildungsinstitut Berlin-Brandenburg (SFBB), Berlin.

Zalewski, Ingmar (08/2017). Unaccompanied minor refugees in the state of Brandenburg, Germany, 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Research Network "Youth & Generation", Panteion University Athens.

Zalewski, Ingmar (04/2017). Exclusion experiences of people who fled from Cameroon, Conference "Social Work with Refugees - Balance and Outlook", University of Bamberg.

Zalewski, Ingmar (03/2017). Precarious Arrival: Exclusion experiences of people who have fled from Cameroon, 6th symposium of the German Society of Young Political and Social Scientists e.V., Humboldt University of Berlin.

Zalewski, Ingmar (02/2017). What experiences of exclusion do refugees have during their time of arrival - and how do they manage to stand up to them? Annual Conference of the Commission for Intercultural Education (KIB) in the Section for Intercultural and International Comparative Education (SIIVE), Freiburg University of Education.


Brehme David, Zalewski, Ingmar (06/2021). Workshop Discussion: Ethnographic Writing on Inclusion/Exclusion: Forms of Representation & Authorship in Advanced Projects (Joint organization of the workshop with Boris Nieswand), Center for Inclusion Research Berlin.