Regina Werbick

Lecturer, Section: Music Theory and Aural Training (Composition, Aural Training, Analysis)

Mönchebergstraße 1
34125 Kassel
Möncheberg 1, Raum 3023
Consultation Hours

Wednesdays, 16-18 h

Vita  (Regina Werbick)

Regina Werbick first studied church music at the Detmold University of Music. This was followed by a major in music theory and aural training as well as a master's degree in aural training.

As a deanery church musician of the archdiocese of Paderborn, she was organist at the baroque Johann Patroclus Möller organ in St. Nikolaus Büren and trained church musicians in the subjects of music theory, ear training and choral conducting.

After several years of teaching at the conservatories in Detmold and Münster, Regina Werbick has been a teacher for special tasks for music theory and aural training at the Institute of Music at the University of Kassel since 2017.

In addition, she performs extensively with choirs and solo ensembles (focus: music of the 15th to 17th centuries, projects with Seicento Vocale and the Kleine Cantorey Münster, among others), conducts training courses (Werkgemeinschaft Musik Münster, Bildungsstätte Burg Rothenfels am Main, among others), and edits oratorios of the 19th century.