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Name, ForenameContact
Prof. Dr. Dreßler, Susanne
Professor, Section: Music Education
Dreßler, Susanne
Prof. Dr. Freytag, Verena
Professor, Section: Aesthetic and Movement Education
Freytag, Verena
Prof. Dr. Hemming, Jan
Professor, Section: Systematic Musicology
Prof. Dr. Krahn, Carolin
Professor, Section: Historical Musicology
Krahn, Carolin
apl. Prof. Dr. Merrill, Julia
Adjunct Professor, Section: Systematic Musicology
Prof. Reißmann, Wieland
Professor, Section: Popular Music
Reißmann, Wieland
Stredak, Michaela
Department Office Assistant, Department: Music
Office Assistant, Section: Historical Musicology
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Jan Hemming
Office Assistant of Prof. Susanne Dreßler
Aquilino, Paolina
Research Assistant, Section: Systematic Musicology
Aquilino, Paolina
Brennecke, Julia
Research Assistant, Section: Aesthetic and Movement Education
Röhn, Kerstin
Private lessons Saxophone, Director Woodwind Ensemble
Röhn, Kerstin
Roßkopf, Claudia
Research Assistant, Section: Aesthetic and Movement Education
Roßkopf, Claudia
Vögtler, Laetitia
Research Assistant, Section: Music Education
Vögtler, Laetitia
Beilharz, Roman
Lecturer, Department: Music (media practice, jazz/​pop harmony, individual drum lessons)
Beilharz, Roman
Herzig, Eva
Lecturer, Department: Music (Vocals)
Herzig, Eva
Mell, Luisa
Lecturer, Department: Music (Project work)
Mell, Luisa
Pyras, Olaf
Lecturer, Department: Music (Drums and Percussion), Director of Drum and Percussion Ensemble (Composition Project: "new sounds for young ears")
Pyras, Olaf
Volkmer, Uwe
Lecturer, Department: Music (Piano)
Volkmer, Uwe
Werbick, Regina
Lecturer, Section: Music Theory and Aural Training (Composition, Aural Training, Analysis)
Werbick, Regina
Baader, Christoph
Individual Trombone Lessons
Baumann, Martin
Adjunct Lecturer Organ
Baumann, Martin
Bertino, Alberto
Individual Piano Lessons
Cessak, Andreas
Senior Student Councilor in University Service (Choral Conducting, Choral Voice Training), Director Cantiamo and Cantiamo Piccolo
Cessak, Andreas
Forciniti, Martin
Individual Organ Lessons
Fromm, Jürgen
Individual Electric Guitar and Classical Guitar Lessons, Director of Ensemble Playing
Fromm, Jürgen
Glennon, Giulia
Gößwein, Peter
Adjunct Lecturer, Section: Aesthetic and Movement Education
Gößwein, Peter
Hammerl, Valentin
Individual Trumpet Lessons
Hammerl, Valentin
Hartig, Susanne
Individual Violoncello Lessons
Hartig, Susanne
Hehlen, Maja
Adjunct Lecturer, Section: Aesthetic and Movement Education
Hehlen, Maja
Henkelmann, Thomas
Artistic Adjunct Lecturer
Henkelmann, Thomas
Hülsermann, Stefan
Individual Clarinet Lessons
Hülsermann, Stefan
Jeschonneck, Birgit
Adjunct Lecturer, Section: Aesthetic and Movement Education
Jeschonneck, Birgit
Josef, Jens
Individual Flute Lessons
Josef, Jens
Junghänel, Ferdinand
Individual Singing Lessons
Junghänel, Ferdinand
Kiewe, Guy
Individual Piano Lessons
Kiewe, Guy
Klippert, Andreas
Ensemble Direction /​ Conducting, Coaching Chamber Orchestra
Klippert, Andreas
Kott, Elzbieta
Individual Piano Lessons
Landeck, Detlef
Big Band Director
Landeck, Detlef
Leitner, Katrin
Adjunct Lecturer, Section: Aesthetic and Movement Education
Leitner, Katrin
Mell, Luisa
Adjunct Lecturer, Section: Aesthetic and Movement Education
Mell, Luisa
Oschmann, Maja
Adjunct Lecturer, Section: Aesthetic and Movement Education
Oschmann, Maja
Petercol, Mirjana
Individual Accordion Lessons
Petercol, Mirjana
Reingardt, Julia
Individual Piano Lessons
Reingardt, Julia
Saito, Aska Carmen
Saito, Aska Carmen
Salwiczek-Pfeifer, Rainer
Individual Guitar Lessons, Director of Chamber Music Guitar Ensemble
Salwiczek-Pfeifer, Rainer
Schlicht, Ursel
Schlicht, Ursel
Schmitt, Anna Heidrun
Speech Training /​ Vocal Theory
Schmitt, Anna Heidrun
Song, Ji-Youn
Individual Piano Lessons
Song, Ji-Youn
Spuck, Rüdiger
Individual Violin Lessons
Spuck, Rüdiger
Steinsiek, Malte
Director of the Symphony Orchestra of the University of Kassel
Steinsiek, Malte
Stern, Anna
Adjunct Lecturer, Section: Aesthetic and Movement Education
Stern, Anna
Sterzer, Anna
Individual Singing Lessons
Sterzer, Anna
Thompson, Gerald
Individual Singing Lessons
Thompson, Gerald
Weber, Valeska
Adjunct Lecturer, Section: Aesthetic and Movement Education
Weber, Valeska
Wiegand, Thomas
Individual Singing Lessons
Wiegand, Thomas
Weber-Krüger, Maria
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: Music Pedagogy
Weber-Krüger, Maria
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: Music Pedagogy
Weerkamp, Katharina
Böggemann, Markus
Professor, Section: Historical Musicology
Prof. Dr. Heß, Frauke
Professor, Section: Music Education
Heß, Frauke