Lectures, Workshops and Posters


21.11.2024Disabling cityLecture series "Inclusion and participation of people with disabilities"HAWK Hildesheim, invited
4.10.2024Epistemological reflections on affect-based resistance for inclusive
open space planning
EMOGU seminar series (Emotion seminar of Gothenburg University)Göteborgs Universitet (SE), invited
11.09.2024Cripping Age(ing)Symposium "Cripping & Queering Age(ing)" at the annual DGGG congress &
DGG "Ageing without borders"
University of Kassel
3.-5.9.2024Sustainability and inclusion? Contested knowledge using the example of
open space planning
Leeds Disability Studies ConferenceUniversity of Leeds (UK)
3.-5.9.2024Disabling affect - Material consequences of ableist feelings between
violence, medicalization, and emotion work
Leeds Disability Studies ConferenceUniversity of Leeds (UK)
5.7.2024Sustainability and inclusion? Contested knowledge using the example of
open space planning
20th Conference of the Junior Research Group Environmental Sociology "Contested
Sustainability Knowledge"
University of Würzburg
18.3.2024Co-produced ethnography? Epistemological reflections on
affect-based barriers to inclusive open space planning
Research questions of participation research IV: Epistemological and
socio-theoretical foundations of participation research
8.2.2024Inclusive open space planning as a socio-ecological transformation3rd conference for young researchers
"Social innovations for social transformation"
Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Center for Society and Sustainability
12.01.2024Unremembered difference and inequality. Affect-based barriers
towards inclusive open space planning
Transformation and sustainability research workshopUniversity of Kassel, Kassel Institute for Sustainability
06.11.2023Disabling affect. Unequally shared emotional labor as a participation issueAG Teilhabeforschung, Research Network Social Law and Social PolicyFulda University of Applied Sciences / University of Kassel (online)
06.10.2023On the strategic handling of emotions from the perspective of Disability StudiesAnnual conference of the German Interdisciplinary Society for the Promotion of Research for People with Intellectual DisabilitiesUniversity of Cologne
29.08.2023Emotional repertoires of the dis/ ableist imaginary as a politics of disablementSummer School "Politics of Disablement"University of Utrecht (NL, Online)

Passing: Passing as disabled, non-disabled or super-crippled -
Three facets of a survival strategy
in an ableist society

Colloquium "Research questions of Disability Studies"University of Cologne (Online)
09.12.2022Between Cripping and Reclaiming. Epistemological implications of Disability Studies' feeling strategiesEMOGU seminar series (Emotion seminar of Gothenburg University)Göteborgs Universitet (SE, Online)
30.09.2022Passing: Passing as disabled, non-disabled or soup cripple. Three facets of a survival strategy in an ableist societyPolarized worlds. 41st Congress of the German Sociological AssociationUniversity of Bielefeld
31.08.2022Disabling affect - Material consequences of ableist feelings between violence, medicalization, and emotion work

RN 11 "Sociology of Emo-tions" of the European Sociological Association (ESA) midterm conference 2022

University of Hamburg (Online)


Inequalities in academic spaces: academics with disabilities between atypical employment and disclosure dilemmas (with Jana York)35th Annual Conference of Inclusion Researchers (online)University of Innsbruck (AT)


Learning from postcolonial studies - a scoping review (with Marianne Hirschberg)35th annual conference of inclusion researchers (online)University of Innsbruck (AT)


Emergency medical care of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. A systematic review (with Jana York & Ute Karbach)2021 Australasian Society for Intellectual Disability Online ConferenceAustralasian Society for Intellectual Disability (AUS)


Disabling affects in the higher education context
Unequally shared emotional labor in an ableist academy
Conditions of knowledge production between qualification, self-optimization and precarization (online)
Institute for Theory and Empiricism of the Social - Workshop for Social Pedagogical Thinking


Postcolonial science. Structural problems of North-South research projectsBdWi Wednesday (online)Association of democratic scientists and scholars


Emotional Disability Studies - A case for comprehensive engagement15th ESA conference 2021 (online)University of Barcelona (ES)


Disabling affect. Material consequences of ableist feelings between violence and emotion work"But Some are More Equal than Others". Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Growing Inequality and the Need for Solidarity. Annual Academic Conference of PhD-Students of the
Hans-Böckler-Foundation (online)
Free University of Berlin


Disabling affect. Material consequences of ableist feelings between violence and emotion workDisability Studies Conference (online)University of Auckland (NZ)


"We are here, because you were there" - Research ethical reflections on the colonial present and decolonial future of German-language refugee migration research (with Robel Afeworki Abay)Global contexts, local interpretations. Critical positionings on scientific and media discourses in the context of flight and asylum (online)Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (AT)


Between Cripping and Reclaiming. Epistemological Implications of Feeling Strategies Promoted in Disability Studies

SDS@OSU Multiple Perspectives conference (online)

Ohio State University (US)


Disability Studies and Ableism - What's emotion got to do with it?

9th ALTER annual conference (online)

Ecole des Hautes Études en Santè, Rennes (FR)


Feelings for social change? Emotional strategies promoted in Disability Studies

RN 11 "Sociology of Emotions" of the European Sociological Association (ESA) midterm conference

2020 (online)

University of Barcelona (ES)


Feeling posthuman

iHuman symposium Biopolitical, Affect and Posthuman Critical Disability Studies

University of Sheffield (UK)


Crip Killjoys, Emotion Work, Political Emotions... Concepts from the Sociology of Emotions and Affect Studies in Disability Studies

Critical Disability Studies Postgraduate Conference 2019

University of Leeds (UK)


The affective practice of ableism. Theorizing affect and emotion in CDS

New Directions in Critical Disability Studies. A Postgraduate Symposium

University of Sheffield (UK)


Crip Killjoys, Emotion Work, Political Emotions... Concepts from the Sociology of Emotions and Affect Studies in Disability Studies

The International Conference on Educational, Cultural, and Disability Studies 2019

Liverpool Hope University (UK)


Disability and Postcolonial Studies: Common Ground, Missing Links and Mutual Inspiration

(Post)Colonial Health: Global Perspectives on the Medical Humanities

University of Leeds (UK)


Emotional Aspects of Health and Diversity. Between Stigma and Self-Optimization

One Health Workshop

Pwani University (Kenya)


(Aversive) emotions in the context of disability

Between emancipation and appropriation - Disability Studies in German-speaking countries, Disability Studies Conference

Humbold University of Berlin & Alice Solomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin


Disability Studies & Ableism - What's emotion got to do with it?

9th Lancaster Disability Studies Conference

Lancaster University (UK)


Disability Studies & Ableism - What's emotion got to do with it?

Joint Midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association's Sociology of Emotions Research Network (RN11) and the British Sociological Association's Sociology of Emotions Study Group

University of Edinburgh (UK)


Heterophobia and (dis)ableism. Approaching a phenomenon under observation

32nd International Conference of Inclusion Researchers

Justus Liebig University Giessen


Ambulantization in Middle Franconia. Practical research with disability care providers. Active participation in the research workshop "Participatory Research"

13th Berlin Methodological Meeting Qualitative Research

Free University of Berlin


Intersecting (Dis)ability Studies and Postcolonial Studies. Common ground, missing links and mutual inspiration

Nordic Network on Disability Research: NNDR 14th research conference

Örebro University (Sweden)


The ICF in qualitative research

15th International Classification of Functioning (ICF) User Conference

Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main


Aversive emotions in the context of disability. Approaching a phenomenon under observation

Hate - an interdisciplinary view of social discord, scientific conference of the doctoral students of the Hans Böckler Foundation

University of Kassel


Accounting for Social Impacts of Livelihood Promotion? Potentials and limitations of the Social Return on Investment Approach

(Wechuli, Yvonne; Lusweti, Sellah; Shauri, Halimu & Wacker, Elisabeth)

Dis)ability and the Global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - Can Community-Based Rehabilitation Serve as a Guideline for Inclusive Sustainable Development?

Pwani University (Kenya)


Beyond Economic Impact: Accounting for Social and Emotional Wellbeing as Unintended Out-comes of Livelihood Promotion Programs at the Kenyan Coast (Lusweti, Sellah; Wechuli, Yvonne; Shirazy, Khadija; Maghanga, Christine; Shauri, Halimu & Wack-er, Elisabeth)

Dis)ability and the Global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - Can Community-Based Rehabilitation Serve as a Guideline for Inclusive Sustainable Development?

Pwani University (Kenya)


Neighborly Assistance. High Expectations of Multi-generation Cohousing Projects

Aging & Society: Sixth interdisciplinary Conference

Linköping University (Sweden)


Dis/Ableism and Heterophobia

8th Lancaster Disability Studies Conference,

Lancaster University (UK)


Intersecting (Dis)ability studies and racism research - Potential for mutual learning

3rd ISA Forum of Sociology

University of Vienna (Austria)


Accounting for Social Value? Chances and limitations of the Social Return on Investment approach in the field of livelihood promotion (Kuhnke, Yvonne, Lusweti, Sellah & Shauri, Halimu)

Disability in the SDGs: Forming Alliances and Building Evidence for the 2030 Agenda

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (UK)


Neighborhood support. Expectations for community housing projects (invited)

Inclusion in 2015 - taking stock. Inclusion in education, work, housing and life

Federal Association for Conductive Support according to Petö e.V., Würzburg


Social impact assessment of livelihood promotion programs in Coastal Kenya

7th Symposium International Curative and Special Education

Zurich University of Teacher Education (CH)


"Lived" subsidiarity? Neighborhood help in multi-generational homes. Best practice: Presentation of the winners of the ConSozial Science Award

ConSozial, 16th trade fair and congress of the social market

Nuremberg Trade Fair


Educação musical inclusiva: O caso do Projeto Piano Inclusive da Universidade de Dortmund [Inclusive music education: The case study "Piano Inclusive" at the Technical University of Dortmund]

Panel discussion "A contribuição das Ciências Cognitivas para a Educação Musical Inclusiva" [The contribution of cognitive sciences to inclusive music education]

Instituto Villa-Lobos, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)


Neighborhood support in a multigenerational housing project. Short report on the results of a master's thesis

Annual general meeting of the tenants' association "Hallo Nachbar e.V."

Hangeneystraße housing project, Dortmund


La prise en charge médical des sourds au Cameroun [The medical care of deaf people in Cameroon]

Presentation of a research project in the central region, July - October 2011

Association Bouche des Sourds d'Afrique, Yaoundé (Cameroon)


Scientific workshops

15.09.2023Epistemic emotions - positive and negative emotionsESA Research Network 11 & Emotions and Society Discussion workshp
24.10.2021Participatory research as decolonial practice?(with Robel Afeworki Abay)Decolonization of Knowledge, Conference at the University of Vienna (AT)
2.10.2021Between Cripping and Reclaiming
Disability Studies' feeling strategies as act of care and resistance
Who Cares? Feminist perspectives on care work, solidarity and economy. Researchers*Workshop of the Hans Böckler Foundation.

Practice Research


Evaluation workshop "Index für Ambulantisierung" with co-researchers*.

District Town Hall Central Franconia


Evaluation workshop "Index für Ambulantisierung" with co-researchers

Central Franconia District Council


Workshops "Operationalization and Survey Methods" (Participation, Social Networks and Social Space) with Co-Researchers

Central Franconia District Council


Dissemination Workshop "Accounting for Social Value? Chances and limitations of the Social Return on Investment approach in the field of livelihood promotion" with practice partners

Pwani University (Kenya)

Adult and continuing education

28.9.2013 10./11.10.2013 & 6./7.2.2015

Sessions "(nonverbal) communication" and "conflicts in working life" in the context of an additional training in rehabilitation pedagogy

ViA Bochum e.V.


Workshop "Diversity Management

Robert Koch Institute Berlin


Wechuli, Yvonne (2017). Ambulantization in Middle Franconia. Practice research with providers of disability care. 13th Berlin Method Meeting Qualitative Research, 2017, July 22, Berlin.

Kuhnke, Yvonne (2016). Neighborhood-based assistance in multigenerational housing: operationalization and analysis using the ICF? The ICF in the context of education and health, 2016, June 9, Zurich, Switzerland.

Shauri, Halimu, Lusweti, Sellah, Kuhnke, Yvonne & Wacker, Elisabeth (2015). Social Impact Assessment of Livelihood. Developing an Inclusive Impact Assessment Instrument. 5th Community Based Rehabilitation Africa Network (CAN) Conference, 2015, June 1-5, Nairobi, Kenya.

Kuhnke, Yvonne (2015). People with impairment as "the others". A power critical analysis. 29th Annual Conference of Integration/Inclusion Researchers in German-speaking Countries, 2015, February 19, Halle (Saale).