If you have any questions, would like to arrange a meeting, etc., please send an e-mail to pbecker@uni-kassel.de.


  • Priority/subordination of social benefits, practical handbook, Hürth 2024 (WoltersKluwer)

Commentaries on, among others

  • §§ 53 ff. Public law contract and
  • §§ 102 ff. Reimbursement claims between the service providers

in Hauck/Noftz, SGB X, loose-leaf (Erich-Schmidt-Verlag)

  • §§ 3 ff. Insured persons and
  • § 9 Occupational diseases

in Krasney/Becker/Heinz/Bieresborn, Statutory Accident Insurance (SGB VII) Commentary, loose-leaf (Asgard-Verlag)


  • Securing subsistence according to SGB XII from 1.1.2020 in "specific forms of housing, ZFSH/SGB 2020, 427 ff.
  • The requirements for accommodation and heating according to SGB II - current status of the case law of the BSG, SGb 2021, 1 et seq.
  • COVID-19 as an occupational disease and accident at work, SGb 2022, 705 et seq.
  • Who does social insurance law protect and who should it protect?, SGb 2024, 57 et seq.
  • Plans in the social benefit relationship, SGb 2024, 317 ff.