Why War? 9th European Psychoanalytic Conference for University Students 3.-5.10.2024 in Brussels in-person and online

Invitation 9th European Psychoanalytic Conference for University Students from 3.-5.10.2024 in Brüssel

Why War? A psychoanalytic exploration of the intrapsychic, the interpersonal and the intercocietal.

European Psychoanalytic Conference for University Students – EPCUS provides the unique opportunity to approach the psychoanalytic way of thinking by listening to prominent psychoanalysts, by meeting colleagues and forming networks, thus gaining perspectives into various aspects of personal development in a distinct atmosphere of learning, exchange and enthusiasm.

On behalf of the European Psychoanalytical Federation: Charlotta Björklind, Mercedes Puchol, Martin Teising

Presenters: Jan Abram, Anna Christopoulos, Fakhry Davids, Johannes Döser, Natalia Kigai, Anne Patterson, Gabi Shefler, Sverre Varvin.

This conference is of interest for university students and recent graduates, especially in medicine, psychology and other cultural or language sciences.

All presentations will be in English.

The fee of 50€ is the same for in-person participants at EPF House in Brussels and online participants.

Venue: The House of the European Psychoanalytical Federation in Brussels, Belgium

Date: Thursday 3rd till Saturday 5th of October 2024

For further information, please contact Frank Goderniaux: frank.goderniaux[at]epf-fep[dot]eu, Charlotta Björklind: charlottabjorklind[at]hotmail[dot]com, Mercedes Puchol: puchol[at]futurnet[dot]es, or Martin Teising: teising[at]t-online[dot]de

Follow EPCUS on www.instagram.com/epcus_epf & www.facebook.com/epcus

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