3rd JDM-Conference [09/2021]
International conference on Judgment and Decision-Making in Social Work: "Qualitative Research Methods and Methodological Issues", 20. – 21. September 2021, University of Koblenz-Landau, funded by the German Research Foundation
Organizing Committee
- Prof. Dr. Pascal Bastian, Institute for Social Work, University of Kassel
- Prof. Dr. Roland Becker-Lenz, School of Social Work, UAS Northwestern Switzerland
- Katharina Freres, University of Koblenz-Landau
- Dr. Joel Gautschi, School of Social Work, UAS Northwestern Switzerland
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Schnurr, School of Social Work, UAS Northwestern Switzerland
- Prof. Dr. Mark Schrödter, Institute for Social Work, University of Kassel
- Interviews, participant observation, Vignettes
- Grounded Theory, Objective Hermeneutics, Documentary Method
- Predictive Accuracy, Decision Making Tools
- Actor-Network-Theory-Methodology
- Pascal Bastian, University Koblenz- Landau, Germany
- Roland Becker-Lenz, UAS Northwestern Switzerland
- Peter Cloos, University of Hildesheim, Germany
- Laura L. Cook, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
- Stephan Dahmen, University of Bielefeld, Germany
- Catherine Foster, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
- Tobias Franzheld, University of Frankfurt, Germany
- Richard Green, University of Lancaster, United Kingdom
- Sara Henn, University of Wuppertal, Germany
- Emely Keddell, University of Otago, New Zealand
- David Labhart, Institut Unterstrass, Switzerland
- David Saltiel, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
- David Wilkins, Cardiff University, United Kingdom