FB 02 Humanities and Cultural Studies


Nina Reichenbach

Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5
34125 Kassel
Building: Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften
Room: 3002

Phone: +49 561 804-3340

E-mail: dekanat02[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Johanna Bender

Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5
34125 Kassel
Building: Humanities and Cultural Studies
Room: 3003

Phone: +49 561 804-7032

Fax: +49 561 804-3341

E-Mail: Fb02-Promotions[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Birgit Hirschberger/Susanne Burhenn/Johanna Bender

Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, Room 3003

Phone: +49 561 804-3344

Phone: +49 561 804-2657

Phone: +49 561 804-7032


Fax: +49 561 804-3341

E-Mail: pruefungsamt.fb02[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Natalie Dockendorf
Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, Room 3056

+49 561 804-7274
+49 561 804-3341

Mail: studycoordination.fb02[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Melanie Löber
Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, Room 3059

+49 561 804-7464
+49 561 804-3341

Mail: praxiskoordination.fb02[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

It is advisable to gain practical experience during your studies (internships, part-time jobs, work as an assistant, voluntary work, etc.). The Faculty offers various opportunities to support you in your career orientation. To the practical coordination of FB 02

Oliver Schuster

IT administrator

Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, Room 3059

Phone +49 561 804 7271

Mail: o.schuster[at]uni-kassel[dot]de~

Marie-France Eisner

Contact person for international students

Room 3008
Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5
34125 Kassel
Phone +49 561 804 7483

E-Mail: fb02_international[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

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Study programs at the Faculty of Humanities

Faculty (FB 02) of Humanities - Profile

We bring together what traditionally belongs together at a university: philology, theology and philosophy. They all relate to language and text, which we study from a historical perspective. In doing so, we ask questions about the power they have in the present and how they shape society. Many of our students go on to teach in schools. There they can bring the potential of the texts to bear again and thus contribute to shaping the community.

More about the Faculty's profile

Our research focuses:

"Environmental Humanities | Sustainability in the Humanities and Cultural Studies"
"System and Text"
"Text - Discourse - Society"
"Narrative and knowledge"
"Education - Learning - Media"
"Interpretation and unavailability"~
Teaching and research focus "Climate Thinking"

Our research focuses:: More Infos

To the overview of Faculties