Profile of FB 02

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Prof. Dr. Susanne Bach

Languages, everyday texts, literature, films and other media representations do not simply depict reality, they also shape it.

Prof. Dr. Susanne Bach

The Faculty of Humanities is a broad-based, diverse teaching, research and educational unit characterized by the richness of its subjects and subject cultures. It consists of the Institutes of English/American Studies, Romance Studies and German Studies with German as a Foreign and Second Language (DaFZ) as well as the Institutes of Protestant Theology, Catholic Theology and Philosophy.

The Faculty in figures

35 professors
7 subjects
50 degree programs
1 continuing education program

The sciences belonging to the Faculty focus on the intellectual and cultural environment insofar as we encounter it as "text". We understand culture as being linked in a complex way to the medium of language, which is a central means of organizing human coexistence. The humanities stimulate the self-reflective potential of our living environment(s) in the past, present and future. They make an important contribution to the training of thinking, understanding and interpretation.

Interdisciplinarity is not only a top priority at the Faculty of Humanities, but is also practiced, for example in the doctoral program GeKKo, in interdisciplinary certificate programs and lecture series or in interdisciplinary teaching and research projects. Last but not least, the Faculty sees itself as a partner of the city of Kassel and the  North Hesse  region. The "Integrierte Studienwerkstatt Sprachen"  or the professorship  "Werk und Wirkung der Gebrüder Grimm"  should be emphasized here.

Main research areas at FB 02

Research focus "Environmental Humanities | Sustainability in the Humanities and Cultural Studies"

Prof. Dr. Tanja Angelovska
Prof. Dr. Liliana Gómez
Prof. Dr. Holden Härtl
Prof. Dr. Philip Hogh
Prof. Dr. Dr. Kristian Köchy
Dr. Francesca Michelini
Prof. Dr. Claudia Schlaak
Prof. Dr. Angela Schrott
Prof. Dr. Jan-Henrik Witthaus

Research focus "Environmental Humanities | Sustainability in the Humanities and Cultural Studies": Read More

Research focus "System and text"

Prof. Dr. Vilmos Ágel
Prof. Dr. Karin Aguado
Prof. Dr. Tanja Angelovska
Prof. Dr. Olaf Gätje
Prof. Dr. Holden Härtl

Research focus "System and text": Read More

Research focus "Text - Discourse - Society"

Prof. Dr. Holger Ehrhardt
Prof. Dr. Liliana Gómez
Prof. Dr. Stefan Greif
Prof. Dr. Michael Mecklenburg
Prof. Dr. David Römer
Prof. Dr. Nikola Roßbach
Prof. Dr. Claudia Schlaak
Prof. Dr. Angela Schrott

Research focus "Text - Discourse - Society": Read More

Research focus "Narration and Research"

Prof. Dr. Susanne Bach
Prof. Dr. Daniel Göske
Prof. Dr. Liliana Gómez
Prof. Dr. Dr. Kristian Köchy
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kreuzer
Prof. Dr. Mirja Kutzer
Prof. Dr. Ilse Müllner
Prof. Dr. Nikola Roßbach
Prof. Dr. Jan-Henrik Witthaus

Research focus "Narration and Research": Read More

Research focus "Education - Learning - Media"

Prof. Dr. Tanja Angelovska
Prof. Dr. Olaf Gätje
Prof. Dr. Jennifer Pavlik
Prof. Dr. Annegret Reese-Schnitker
Prof. Dr. Claudia Schlaak
Prof. Dr. Dirk Stederoth

Research focus "Education - Learning - Media": Read More

Research focus "Interpretation and unavailability"

Prof. Dr. Petra Freudenberger-Lötz
Prof. Dr. Daniel Göske
Prof. Dr. Tom Kleffmann

Research focus "Interpretation and unavailability": Read More

Teaching and research focus "Climate Thinking"

Kirsten Behr
Dr. Felix Böhm
Dr. Martin Böhnert
Dr. Julia Drube
Melina Helen Heinrichs
Ann-Christine Herbold
Maria Hornisch
Silvie Lang
Dr. Paul Reszke
Christine Riess
Annika Rink
Valentina Roether
Dr. Murat Sezi
Jan Sinning (Speaker)
Vanessa-Nadine Sternath
Johannes Thüne (Speaker)

Teaching and research focus "Climate Thinking": Read More

Contact persons

Nina Reichenbach
Dean's office
+49561 804-3340