School practical studies L2, L3, L4 and "Subject didactic event with teaching reference" (L2 after completed practical semester)

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 Participation Requirements:

  • You have successfully completed the Block Internship (L2,L3) or the SPS I (L4).
  • You have duly registered for the School Practical Studies in the Institute of German Studies.
  • You have attended the announced preliminary meetings.

Regulation for German Didactic School Practical Studies (SPS II):

The subject didactic SPS take place after the block internship. In principle, the SPS in German can be completed from the 3rd semester. Up to 60 places are available per semester. If more applications are received, a lottery procedure decides for all newly registered students. Those who do not get a place in the course of the lottery will be reserved a place in the semester after. The students register for it again. This is unfortunately necessary for reasons of clarity.


You register centrally for the SPS II in the subject didactics and the "Subject didactic course with teaching reference" via the Department for Practical School Studies. The registration period is in December (for the summer semester) and in May (winter semester). Please inform yourself in time about the exact registration deadline on the page of the Department for Practical School Studies. "

Preliminary meetings

When you register, you will be given a date for an initial preliminary meeting, which you must attend in order to remain registered.

At this first meeting, general information will be given and another meeting will be scheduled, usually at the end of each upcoming semester break. There you will find out at which school and with which mentor you will complete your internship and to which university supervisor you have been assigned. For organizational reasons, we cannot provide information about these issues before this appointment.

Students who are absent without excuse at this second appointment will be blocked from internship placements for one semester.

Course of the internship

The SPS in German take place during the semester and are based on the Hessian school vacations. The SoSe internship takes place between the Easter and summer vacations, the WiSe internship between the fall vacations and the end of the semester.

You will carry out the internship mostly in pairs or threes. You will accompany the German lessons in one class on a regular basis. At first you will observe, later you will take over the planning and implementation of several lessons. You can also teach as part of a team.

The time required depends on the type of school and the grade level. As a rule, you will spend between three and five lessons per week at the respective school.

Regular attendance of the accompanying seminar, which is conducted by your university supervisor, is an obligatory part of the SPS.

Internship schools

We will look for the schools and mentors for you. In exceptional cases, you can look for an internship yourself if you have contacted us beforehand. As long as the rush in the internship is high, we cannot guarantee that your internship school is located in the city of Kassel. However, we do our best to find schools in the area of the NVV.

Internship abroad

One of the three mandatory school internships can be completed abroad. You can find more information here ".

Please ask us for advice before starting an internship abroad.