Study and examination regulations

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Concerns the following students:

  • Teaching degree at elementary school German (L1)
  • Teaching degree at Hauptschulen and Realschulen German (L2)
  • Teaching degree at grammar schools German (L3)

The module study regulations and old study regulations for the above-mentioned subjects can be found here




Affects the following students:

  • BA German Studies major and minor (examination regulations and module handbook)
    Please note: Before selecting presentations or term papers, the lecturer must be notified of the desired key qualification
  • MA German Studies (module handbooks for Linguistics and Literary Studies and examination regulations)
  • MA German Studies with binational option (Examination regulations and module handbook)

Here you can find information on the above-mentioned subjects/examination regulations



Examination boards / admission procedures:

Teaching professionsProf. Dr. Norbert Kruse
BAProf. Dr. Nikola Roßbach
MAProf. Dr. Vilmos Ágel


Representative for Business Education: Prof. Dr. Stefan Greif



Recognition procedure:

Module study programs

Prof. Dr. Norbert Kruse (Teaching Qualifications)

Prof. Dr. Nikola Roßbach (Bachelor of Arts)

Prof. Dr. Vilmos Ágel (Master of Arts)

Non-modularized courses of study Prof. Dr. Norbert Kruse
Non-modularized degree courses L2 + L3 Prof. Dr. Achim Barsch