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01/15/2024 | The public

"Remigration" is the bad word of the year 2023

The term remigration is a foreign word derived from the Latin verb remigrare (German 'to migrate back, to return'). In the Identitarian movement, right-wing parties and other right-wing to far-right groups, the word has become a euphemism for the demand for forced expulsion and even mass deportations of people with a history of migration.

Image: Unwort Bilder e.V.

The jury criticizes the use of the word because it was used in 2023 as a right-wing fighting term, a euphemistic disguise and an expression that obscures the actual intentions. The term, which originates from migration and exile research and covers various, primarily voluntary forms of return (including the return of Jewish people from exile after 1945), is deliberately appropriated ideologically and reinterpreted in such a way as to conceal a - politically demanded - inhumane deportation and removal practice.


Unwords in 2nd and 3rd place:
Sozialklimbim: The term Sozialklimbim was used in the course of the public-political discussions about basic child protection.
Heizungs-Stasi: This term is a compound word that combines the term heating and the abbreviation Stasi (= state security, an abbreviation for the Ministry for State Security in the GDR). The word is used for populist propaganda against climate protection measures (Building Energy Act GEG).

You can find the press release here.



The "Unword of the Year" is a civil society, language-critical campaign that was launched in Germany in 1991 by the Frankfurt linguist Horst Dieter Schlosser. Until 1994, the "Unword of the Year" was voted for by the German Language Society (GfdS). Due to different procedures and objectives, the jury became independent and has been announcing the "Unword of the Year" since 1994 independently of political and institutional interests.

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