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Performative approaches to language learning in the area of DaF/DaZ

On March 22 and 23, 2024, the conference "Performative approaches to language learning in the field of German as a foreign and second language" will take place at the University of Kassel. The conference is organized by the Department of German as a Foreign and Second Language (DaF/DaZ) and is planned, prepared and carried out with the participation of students of the Master's programme DaF/DaZ.

Performative approaches to language learning are understood as forms of learning in which the entire body is involved in the teaching-learning process and, for example, movements, artistic-creative elements and approaches from drama and theater pedagogy are used to design communicative and action-oriented GFL/GFL lessons.

In addition to a total of two plenary lectures, three parallel workshops will be offered each day, from which conference participants can choose one each. The workshops offer opportunities to get to know and try out different methods and approaches from the field of performative learning. 


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