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Fantastic Climates - 15th Annual Conference of the Society for Fantastic Research

Anthropogenic climate change is probably the most existentially threatening crisis of our time: every year, not only scientists and environmental activists, but also ever new environmental disasters remind us of the destructive consequences of our careless influence on planetary ecosystems.

Climate change exceeds imaginable dimensions in terms of time and space and therefore requires alternative strategies of representation in its literary and media treatment. In particular, fantasy and science or speculative fiction can address the (as yet) intangible consequences of global warming, imagine future or alternative worlds and use fantastic placeholders to make the unimaginable conceivable.

Under the title "Fantastic Climates", the 15th annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung will present numerous exciting lectures and workshops on how fantasy deals with climate change in literature, film and (video) games from September 5 to 7, 2024.


With keynotes by:

  • Ilija Trojanow(writer, translator, publisher)
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Braun(University of Kassel, Human-Environment Interactions)
  • Prof. Dr. Sylvia Mayer  (University of Bayreuth, American Studies/Anglophone Studies)


Participation fee:

Student members of the GfF and students of the University of Kassel: free participation

Regular: 50€

Members of the  GfF: 25€

Registration is requested.


More information can be found here.

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