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Winter semester 2024/25

Lecture History of the Novel (GB), part II

Exercise Key Texts - History of the Novel (GB), part II

Proseminar Shakespeare: Adaptations

Advanced seminar Dance, Performance, Literature

Courses of past semesters

Prof. Bach is doing a research semester in WS 17/18.

Lecture: Introduction to British Drama

Exercise: Introduction to British Drama - Key Texts

Advanced seminar: Jane Austen

Advancedseminar: Campus Stories
Important info: here

History of the Novel, Part II - Lecture -

Key Texts of History of the Novel, Part II
- Exercise -

Shakespeare's Nights - Advanced Seminar -

20th Century British Theatre - Proseminar -
(in cooperation with Staatstheater Kassel)

20th Century Drama - Lecture -

20th Century Drama Key Texts - Exercise -

Feminism and Literature - Advanced seminar -

Shakespeare's Comedies - Advanced seminar -