Dr. Folkert Degenring
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Institute for English/American Studies
University of Kassel
Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5
34125 Kassel
since 2008 | ongoing habilitation project, University of Kassel, Institute for English and American Studies |
2007 | Doctorate, University of Mannheim, Faculty of Philosophy |
2000 | Diploma, University of Mannheim, English Department |
1997 | Visiting student, University College Galway, Ireland |
Professional career
since April 2007 | Research Assistant, Department of English and American Studies, University of Kassel, Germany | ||
April 2006 - Sep. 2006 | Research Assistant, Institute for English and American Studies, University of Kassel | ||
April 2005 - Sep. 2005 | Lecturer, Department of English, University of Mannheim | ||
2001 - 2007 | Lecturer, Universities of Mannheim and Kassel |
Memberships and Offices
British Society for Literature and Science, Overseas Officer (Europe)
German Association of English Studies
Interdisciplinary Working Group on Women's and Gender Studies
Journal of Literature and Science, Advisory Board
Literature and Science Research Group, University of Bergen
Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts
ZFF Research Focus Inequalities in Gender Relations
ZFF Research Focus Normality and Order
Research Network Loss of Night, associate member
Fellowships and Awards
2008 | shortlist Hessian University Award for Excellence in Teaching |
Winter Term 2013/2014
Understanding Comics - Proseminar -
Introduction to Drama - Proseminar -
summer term 2013
Introduction to Literary Theory - Proseminar -
Out of This World? The Case of Science Fiction - Advanced seminar -
summer term 2012
Oliver Twist Meets the Jack-Roller - A Sociological and Literary Studies Perspective on Deviant Behavior - Hauptseminar -
Winter Term 2011/12
Introduction to Literary Theory - Proseminar -
Cityscapes - Proseminar -
Night - Advanced seminar -
Summer Term 2011
Forbidden Words: Drama and Censorship - Proseminar -
Violence and Gender - Advanced seminar -
Winter Term 2010/11
Introduction to Fiction - Proseminar -
19th Century Literature and Science - Proseminar -
Summer Term 2010
Introduction to Literary Theory- Proseminar -
Winter Term 2009/10
Canadian Dystopias: Atwood, Coupland, Doctorow - Proseminar -
Understanding Comics: Image, Text and Narrative - Proseminar -
Fragments: Identity and the Postmodern British Novel - Hauptseminar -
Summer Term 2009
Introduction to Fiction - Proseminar -
Shakespeare Rewritings - Proseminar -
Winter Term 2008/09
Examining the Past: The Historical Novel and Historiographic Metafiction - Proseminar -
Introduction to Literary Theory - Proseminar -
Summer Term 2008
Introduction to Drama: The End of Censorship - Proseminar -
H. G. Wells - Proseminar -
Winter Term 2007/08
18th Century Literature: Defoe and Swift - Proseminar -
Introduction to Fiction: Reading the Novel - Proseminar -
Summer Term 2007
Alternate Histories? The Novels of E.L. Doctorow - Proseminar -
Introduction to Literary Theory - Proseminar -
Winter Term 2006/07
19th Century Literature and Science - Proseminar -
Women's Writing in the New World - Proseminar -
Summer Term 2006
Realism and Experiment in the 1980s: Banville, Ishiguro and Swift - Proseminar -
2008 | Identity at the nexus of deconstruction and (re)construction in the contemporary British novel: Peter Ackroyd, Iain Banks, A.S. Byatt. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2008. print. |
Articles and book chapters
in print | With Susanne Bach. "From Shakespearean Nights to Light Pollution: (Artificial) Light in Fiction." The Bright Side of Night: Perceptions, Costs and the Governance of Urban Lighting and Light Pollution. Eds. Ute Hasenöhrl, Katharina Krause, Josiane Meier & Merle Pottharst. London: Routledge. | ||
2013 | "The Invisible Science? Chemistry, Science Fiction, and Popular Culture." Chemistry and Literature: Elective Affinities. Eds. Margareth Hagen & Margery Vibe Skagen. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press. | ||
2013 | "Describing Gender: Deconstructivist Perspectives in Literary Studies Using Stephenie Meyer's Twilight as an Example." (Re)Constructing Gender: On the Methodological and Methodological Productivity of Women's and Gender Studies. Eds. Mechthild Bereswill & Katharina Liebsch. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot. 196-213. print. | ||
2011 | Re-Makings: Human/Animal Hybrids in Margaret Cavendish, H. G. Wells and China Miéville. The Human and Its Limits. Eds. Margareth Hagen, Randi Koppen & Margery Vibe Skagen. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press. Print. | ||
2010 | Taboo, Transgression and (Self-)Censorship in 20th Century British Theatre. In: Taboo and Transgression in British Literature from the Renaissance to the Present. (Eds.) Stefan Horlacher, Stefan Glomb & Lars Heiler. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 227-43. print. | ||
2010 | Women, Aliens and Monsters: violence and gender in Iain M. Banks's Culture and Charles Stross's Laundry novels. Violence gender fiction: discourses of violence and gender issues in contemporary English-language novels, dramas, and films. Ed. Susanne Bach. Trier: WVT, 2010. 101-124. print. | ||
2009 | BildbeSchreibung, authenticity, and identity in Peter Ackroyd's Chatterton. Bilder BeSchreiben: Intersemiotic Transformations. Eds. Winfried Nöth & Peter Seibert. Kassel: Kassel UP, 2010. 247-72. print. | ||
2004 | Identity and identity constructions in Iain Banks' The Wasp Facory. In Beyond Extremes: representations and reflections of modernizing processes in the contemporary British novel. Stefan Glomb and Stefan Horlacher (eds.). Tübingen: Gunther Narr. 2004. 101-117. print. | ||
2001 | 'The merits of two realities existing simultaneously': postmodernism and transcendence in Peter Ackroyd's The Plato Papers." Spirituality and Transcendence in Modern English Literature. Ed. Susanne Bach. Paderborn: Schöningh, 2001. 71-90. print. |
Minor articles and reviews
2014 | With Ute Hasenöhrl and Susanne Bach. "Light pollution - cultural history and literary studies." Loss of Night. Eds. Loss of Night Research Association. Web. Web. www.verlustdernacht.de/tl_files/VDN/Literature/ |
2011 | Review: Ryan Barnett and Serena Trowbridge (eds), Acts of Memory: The Victorians and Beyond. Book Reviews. The British Society for Literature and Science. Web. www.bsls.ac.uk/reviews/ |
2011 | Review: Margareth Hagen, Randi Koppen and Margery Vibe Skagen (eds), The Art of Discovery: Encounters in Literature and Science. Book Reviews. The British Society for Literature and Science. Web. www.bsls.ac.uk/reviews/ |
2009 | With Sarah Heinz. "Review of Martin Schüwer, How Comics Tell Stories." Journal of English and American Studies57.4 (2009): 429-30. print. |
2009 | Biography of Iian Banks. In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. Heinz Ludwig Arnold (ed.). Stuttgart: Metzler, 2009. print. |
2009 | Biography of Iain Sinclair. In: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. Heinz Ludwig Arnold (ed.). Stuttgart: Metzler, 2009. print. |
2009 | The Wasp Factory. In: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. Heinz Ludwig Arnold (ed.). Stuttgart: Metzler, 2009. print. |
2009 | Lud Heat. In: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. Heinz Ludwig Arnold (ed.). Stuttgart: Metzler, 2009. print. |
2002 | Iain Banks. In: Metzler Encyclopedia of English-Language Authors. Eberhard Kreutzer and Ansgar Nünning (ed.). Stuttgart: Metzler, 2002. print. |
2002 | Iain Sinclair. In: Metzler Lexikon englischsprachiger Autorinnen und Autoren. Eberhard Kreutzer and Ansgar Nünning (ed.). Stuttgart: Metzler, 2002. print. |
2014 | On Behalf of Darkness? Functionalizations of Light Pollution in Fiction. Annual Conference. British Society for Literature and Science. University of Surrey, UK. | ||
2013 | "From Shakespearean Nights to Light Pollution: (Artificial) Light in Fiction." The Bright Side of Night: International Conference on Perceptions, Costs and the Governance of Urban Lighting and Light Pollution. IRS Leibniz Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning. | ||
2013 | "Travelling Concepts and Working Identities." Making Differences: Interdisciplinary Dialogues in Women's and Gender Studies. Research focus on inequalities in gender relations. University of Kassel. | ||
2013 | "Literature and Science as Discourse and Systems." Annual Conference. British Society for Literature and Science. Cardiff University, UK. | ||
2012 | "Discourses or Systems? Literature, Science, and Society." SciLiterature: Narrativizing Science, Workshop 2. University of Bergen, NO. | ||
2012 | Truth and Distraction: Science and Narrative in Contemporary Literature. SciLiterature: Narrativizing Science. University of Ferrara, IT. | ||
2012 | "How many Cultures? Literature, Science, and Theory." Annual Conference. British Society for Literature and Science. University of Oxford, UK. | ||
2011 | The Invisible Science? Chemistry, Science Fiction, and Popular Culture. Literature and Chemistry: Elective Affinities. Literature and Science Research Group. University of Bergen, NO. | ||
2011 | With Susanne Bach "'A lamp for a nightmare': light and dark in late Victorian literature." Artificial Lighting and Society. Loss of Night Research Network. Technical University, Berlin. | ||
2010 | With Susanne Bach "Violent Futures: discourses of violence, inequality, and gender in the work of Canadian author Margaret Atwood." Inequalities in Gender Relations. Interdisciplinary Working Group on Women's and Gender Studies. University of Kassel. | ||
2010 | Re-Makings: Human/Animal Hybrids in Margaret Cavendish, H. G. Wells and China Miéville. The Human and Its Limits. Literature and Science Research Group. University of Bergen, NO. | ||
2010 | Special Circumstances: Mind, Body and Gender in Recent Science Fiction. Annual Conference. British Society for Literature and Science. Northumbria University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK. | ||
2010 | "Border Crossings: The Travel Motif in W. G. Sebald's The Rings of Saturn." Travel in Literature. Institute of German Studies. University of Kassel. | ||
2009 | Uncertain Principles: On Science in George Eliot's Middlemarch and John Fowles' The French Lieutenant's Woman. Annual Converence. British Society for Literature and Science. University of Reading, UK. | ||
2010 | Moral Pornography? Angela Carter's The Infernal Desire Machines of Dr Hoffman. Eroticism and pornography in literature and media. Institute for German Studies. University of Kassel. | ||
2007 | BildbeSchreibung, Authenticity and Identity in Peter Ackroyd's Chatterton. Bilder BeSchreiben/On Images. IAG Cultural Research. University of Kassel. |
"The Category of Gender and Intersectional Narrative Text Analysis."
The aim of the pilot study on the category of gender and intersectional narrative text analysis, funded by the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art, is to explore the analytical potential and operationalization of the social science concept of intersectionality for gender research in literary studies. At the same time, it also serves to explore the possible contribution of specifically literary intersectionality analyses to interdisciplinary gender research.
The study is based on two theoretical premises. The first is that the production context of literature is reflected in literary texts regardless of authorial intention. The production context includes societal and cultural structures, but also, and above all, the subjective experiences of authors who, as individual subjects, represent specific interfaces of societal discourses and practices: Literary texts are thus expressive spaces of both social structures and individual experiences. And second, that the concrete structural context and the relative significance of these dimensions of inequality, which intersectional analyses trace, are variable depending on the context and in principle unpredictable.
This means quite concretely that literary texts reveal structures and dimensions of social inequality and may even openly comment on them, but also that as artistic-symbolic representations of social reality they obey their own rules. From a methodological point of view, this implies that a study of the interdependence of gender and other dimensions of inequality in narrative texts must combine aspects of literature and social science.