Curriculum Vitae

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Opening and completion of the habilitation procedure:

Cumulative habilitation thesis: HUMANIAL Narrative: Animal-human relationality from a cultural-historical perspective

Trial lecture and academic discussion: "Alte Maere" neu erklären: Promoting media literacy in the field of heroic narrative through self-produced explanatory videos

Venia Legendi: German literary studies, older German literature, Middle Ages to 1700

Advisor for University Management Affairs, Managing Director of the Extended Presidential Board, Science Management, Justus Liebig University Giessen, President's Office: President's Affairs and Committee Support (PB2) - German (

Visiting Professor "German Medieval Studies with a focus on Human Animal Studies", Institute of German Studies, University of Kassel

Visiting Professor "German Medieval Studies", Institute of German Studies, University of Kassel

since 2018
Research assistant / habilitation candidate in the Department of German Medieval Studies, Institute of German Studies with Prof. Dr. M. Mecklenburg, University of Kassel

Research assistant / habilitation candidate in the interdisciplinary LOEWE priority program at the University of Kassel: "Tier - Mensch - Gesellschaft: Approaches to interdisciplinary animal research"

Awarded the prize for young scientists initiated by the Hebbelstadt Wesselburen and donated in cooperation with the Friedrich Hebbel Society

since 8/2014
Collaboration on the research design for a research network on the thematic focus "Animal-human society"

Scholarship from the Volkswagen Foundation to participate in the 3rd Summer School of the Young Researchers' Network. Summer School of the junior researcher network "Cultural and Literary Animal Studies" at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg with the title "Zoological Aesthetics", 22-27.9.2014

Mentee in the 3rd round of ProProfessorship. ProProfessur , a joint funding project of the five Hessian universities (Goethe University Frankfurt, Technical University Darmstadt, Justus Liebig University Giessen, University of Kassel, Philipps University Marburg)

Member of the interdisciplinary working group and collaboration on the research design of the interdisciplinary network on the topic of "Gender - Inequality - Intersectionality. Research practice in interdisciplinary dialog"

Approval of the habilitation project "Humanimal Aesthetics. Semantik und Narrativik ästhetischer Tier-Mensch-Relationierungen" as part of the LOEWE focus "Tier - Mensch - Gesellschaft" (approved from 2014 to 2016 by the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art, with the possibility of a one-year extension)

Awarded the Arthur-Fandrey-Preis für wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (prize for excellent dissertations at the University of Kassel)

Active collaboration on an application to the Central Research Funding (ZFF) of the University of Kassel of the IAG - Women's and Gender Studies for the ZFF research focus "Normality and Order - Transdisciplinary Perspective on Gender" accepted since September 2013

since 10/2012
Research assistant to Prof. Dr. C. Brinker-von der Heyde in the Department of Medieval Studies (University of Kassel; developing and working on a postdoctoral project)

since 8/2012
Member of the interdisciplinary working group "Animal - Human - Society: Approaches to Interdisciplinary Animal Research". Collaboration on the research proposal for the LOEWE focus approved in 2013 (State Offensive for the Development of Scientific and Economic Excellence)

Disputation in the field of German Medieval Studies: Doctorate completed with distinction

Submission of dissertation: Publication (2/2014): "HeldenGeschlechtNarrationen: Gender, Intersectionality and Transformation im Nibelungenlied und in Nibelungen-Adaptionen" in Peter Lang Verlag

Collaboration on the research design of an interdisciplinary consortium on the topic of "Gender Orders in Constellations of Upheaval: Intersectional Dimensions of Inequality"

since 2009
Active collaboration on the application for central research funding from the University of Kassel's IAG - Women's and Gender Studies for a ZFF research focus on "Inequalities in Gender Relations", accepted since October 2010

Research assistant / PhD student with Prof. Dr. C. Brinker-von der Heyde, German Medieval Studies

Scholarship holder in the DFG Research Training Group "Öffentlichkeiten und Geschlechterverhältnisse. Dimensions of Experience" of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and the University of Kassel

Coordinator of the Kassel International Graduate Center for Social Sciences (KIGG)

Studied German and History for the teaching profession at grammar schools, University of Kassel, graduated with first state examination, passed with distinction