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on the homepage of medieval studies at the Institute for German Studies at the University of Kassel.

Subject area management

Prof. Dr. Michael Mecklenburg
Kurt-Wolters-Strasse 5
Room 3024

We invite you to join us in getting to know older German literature in its enticing strangeness.
The working field of Germanic medieval studies is - as to be expected - the literature of the Middle Ages. But since the 16th and 17th centuries are strongly influenced by mentalities, models of thought, and value systems of earlier centuries, Kassel medieval studies spans a wide arc and also deals with texts of the early modern period and with the Baroque.
These older texts are not always easy to understand, but they are fascinating because they make our own culture seem foreign to us and show forms of thought, mentalities, world views and much more that is worth exploring, analyzing and reflecting upon.
Especially the variety of different types of texts, ranging from poetic fictional works of world literature to functional utility texts, allows for a broad spectrum of exciting questions that can be answered on different, even interdisciplinary levels.