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  • HeldenGeschlechtNarrationen: Gender, Intersectionality, and Transformation in the  Nibelungenlied  and in  Nibelungen-Adaptations (= MeLiS. Medien - Literaturen - Sprachen in Anglistik/Amerikanistik, Germanistik und Romistik 14), Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang 2014.


  • Adventurous 'Crossings': Pre-modernity intersectional (= Aventiuren 12), Göttingen: V&R-unipress 2017 (with Mareike Böth and Michael Mecklenburg).
    • as co-editor in the research focus "Animal - Human - Society": Den Fährten folgen. Methoden interdisziplinärer Tierforschung, Bielefeld: Transcript 2016.
    • SprachGefühl. Interdisciplinary perspectives on an only seemingly old-fashioned term (= MeLiS. Medien - Literaturen - Sprachen in Anglistik/Amerikanistik, Germanistik und Romistik 17), Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang 2014 (with Miriam Langlotz, Nils Lehnert, and Matthias Weßel).


    • Gardt, A./Schnyder, M./Wolf, J. (eds.) (2011): Buchkultur und Wissensvermittlung in Mittelalter und Frü­her Neuzeit. With the collaboration of Susanne Schul. Berlin u.a.: de Gruyter.

    Essays in preparation:

    • Schul, S. (2025): "The superpower to read between the lines!!!": A gender-reflexive and intersectional toolbox in children's and youth non-fiction comics. In: Witte, J./Gröber, F. (eds.): Gender & Sexualität in der Literatur- und Mediendidaktik (20 p., in preparation) [Text: Mirion Malle "Die Liga der Superfeminist*innen"].
    • Schul, S. (2025): Neither fish nor flesh: marine wonders as border crossers between species, emotions, elements and narratives. In: Wenzel, F. (ed.): Nature-Culture Interferences. Middle Ages - Early Modern Times - Modernity. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag (Frankfurter Beiträge zur Germanistik (24 p., in preparation) [Texts: Konrad von Megenberg "Buch der Natur", "Wolfdietrich"-Epos A and Sy Montgomery "Rendezvous mit einem Oktopus"].
    • Schul, S. (2025): Courage to leave gaps: Narrative-technical and reception-directing functions of text-image correlations in the Kassel "Willehalm" codex and "Willehalm" comic. In: Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur (ZfdA), (20 pp., in preparation).
    • Schul. S. (2025): Wolf seen?! Animal-human relationality from a cultural-historical perspective. In: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie (ZfdPh), (16 p., in preparation) [Texts: Konrad von Megenberg "Buch der Natur", Georg Schaller "Ein neuw Thierbuch" and Saša Stanišić "Wolf"].

    Essays in print:

    • Schul, S. (2024): "No room for heroes": Intersectional reflections of self and other in the coming-of-age musical "Drachenherz" by Wolfgang Böhmer and Peter Lund. In: Identity politics in contemporary German-language literature. Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik (ZiG), 15. Jg., (16 p., in press).
    • Schul, S. (2024): Nibelungian explanatory videos as a teaching and learning strategy: media literacy and intersectionality in the field of action of heroic-epic storytelling. In: Sieber, A./Müller, K. (eds.): Fascination Nibelungen - Presence and mediation of a multimedia myth. Berlin: Peter Lang (26 pp.; in print).
    • Schul, S. (2024): Falling out of the frame? Narrated interdependencies in the Siegfried comic by Alex Alice. In: Darilek, M./Däumer, M. (eds.): Vom Spruchband zur Sprechblase: Comics des Mittelalters - Mittelaltercomics. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag (27 p., in print).

    Published Essays:

    • Schul, S. (2022): Literary learning with a "widely described magician and Schwartzkuenstler"? Historical narration of magical knowledge acquisition in Oliver Pötzsch's "Faustus" novel. In: Standke, J. / Bernhardt, S. (eds.): Historical Narrative in Contemporary Literature - Perspectives for the Teaching of Literature. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, pp. 285-300.
    • Schul, S. (2020): Dangerous companionship? Emotionalized narration in the late medieval prose epic "Queen Sibille". In Animal Studies: Animals and Emotions (17), pp. 32-46 (peer-reviewed publication).
    • "ain hierß leit mir ain luoder": Intersectionality, Animality, and Desire in the Minne and Aventiure Novel of Frederick of Swabia. In: Bennewitz, I./Eming, J. (eds.): Gender Studies - Queer Studies - Intersectionality. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2019 (Berlin Medieval and Early Modern Studies), pp. 335-365.

    • "Dye lewynne stalte groß iamer": processes of emotionalization between animals and humans in the late medieval prose epic Duke Herpin. In: Literary Studies Yearbook, New Series (LJB). Vol. 60 (2019), pp. 123-158 (peer-reviewed publication).
    • Adventurous 'Crossings': Vormoderne intersektional, in: S. Schul/M. Böth/M. Mecklenburg (eds.): Adventurous 'Crossings': Pre-modernity intersectional (= Aventiuren 12), Göttingen: V&R-unipress 2017, pp. 9-40 (with Mareike Böth).
    • (V)Erlesene Animalität: Intersektionale Emotionalisierungsprozesse im spätmittelalterlichen Heldenepos, in: S. Schul/M. Böth/M. Mecklenburg (eds.): Adventurous 'Crossings': Pre-modern intersectional (= Aventiuren 12), Göttingen: V&R-unipress 2017, pp. 239-280.
    • "So this book held me. [...] And [I] read the song of Siegfried and Kriemhild": Heroic Narrative in the Nibelungenlied and Nibelungen Adaptations, in: Hebbel-Jahrbuch 72 (2017), pp. 32-65. [Texts and Films: Nibelungenlied and Nibelungen Adaptations.]
    • "Wolf Encounters with Consequences: Interspecific care relations in the Wolfdietrich-Epic, in Research Focus "Animal - Human - Society" (ed.): Vielfältig verflochten. Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zur Tier-Mensch-Relationalität, Bielefeld: Transcript 2016, pp. 223-239.
    • Of eime animals wild and of the "Flamingo Killer": 'Hegemonic Animality' in Animal Epic and Zoo Crime, in M. Waltenberger et al. (eds.): Reflexionen des Politischen in der europäischen Tierepik, Boston/New York: de Gruyter 2016, pp. 60-93. [Texts: Henry the Glîchezare Reinhart Fuchs, journalistic articles on flamingo killings at Frankfurt Zoo in March 2014]
    • Den KatzenARTigen auf der Spur, in: Forschungsschwerpunkt "Tier - Mensch - Gesellschaft" (ed.): Den Fährten folgen. Methoden interdisziplinärer Tierforschung, Bielefeld: Transcript 2016, pp. 171-174 (with Theresa Kölczer, Christian Presche, and Daniel Wolf).
    • "Von dem pantier. Tier-Mensch-Relationen zwischen ästhetischer Gestaltung und naturkundlicher Erfahrung in Konrads von Megenberg Buch der Natur, in: Forschungsschwerpunkt "Tier - Mensch - Gesellschaft" (ed.): Den Fährten folgen. Methoden interdisziplinärer Tierforschung, Bielefeld: Transcript 2016, pp. 175-209 (with Theresa Kölczer). [Texts: Isidore of Seville Etymology, Millstätter Physiologus, Konrad von Megenberg Book of Nature]
    • Who wants to be beautiful... Beauty and Intersectionality in Grimm's Fairy Tale Adaptations of Contemporary Hollywood Cinema, in: C. Brinker-von der Heyde/H. Ehrhardt/A. Inder et al. (eds.): Fairy tales, myths, and modernity: 200 years of the Brothers Grimm's Children's and Household Tales. Part 1 (= MeLiS. Media - Literatures - Languages in English/American Studies, German Studies, and Romance Studies 18), Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang 2015, pp. 547-559. [Films: Rupert Sanders Snow White and the Huntsman, Tarsem Singh Mirror Mirror]
    • Off the beaten track: medieval travel narratives as intersectional narratives, in: M. Bereswill/F. Degenring/S. Stange (eds.): Intersectionality and research practice: mutual challenges (= Forum Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung), Münster: Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot 2015, pp. 96-114. [Text: Duke Ernst]
    • SprachGefühl - an introduction, in: M. Langlotz/N. Lehnert/S. Schul/M. Weßel (eds.): SprachGefühl. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on a Term Only Seemingly  old (= MeLiS. Medien - Literaturen - Sprachen in Anglistik/Amerikanistik, Germanistik und Romistik 17), Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang 2014, pp. 9-25 (with Miriam Langlotz and Nils Lehnert).
    • Sentimental or full of feeling? Literary Love Concepts and their Linguistic Garb from a Diachronic Perspective, in M. Langlotz/N. Lehnert/S. Schul/M. Weßel (eds.): SprachGefühl (= MeLiS. Medien - Literaturen - Sprachen in Anglistik/Amerikanistik, Germanistik und Romistik 17), Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang 2014, pp. 191-252 (with Nils Lehnert). [Texts: Mechthild von Magdeburg The Flowing Light of the Deity (ÄdL), Wilhelm Genazino's novel The Stupidity of Love (NdL)]
    • The Elephant in Medieval Literature and Art, in: M. Sitt (ed.): Animal in the Image: The Human Perspective. Online publication on the interdisciplinary symposium (13-14.11.2014), Kassel 2014, pp. 23-26. (with Claudia Brinker-von der Heyde).
    • Finding one's own in a foreign land - A fantastic retelling and retelling in Middle High German Duke Ernst and in Lutz Dammbeck's animated film, in: C. Lötscher/P. Schrackmann/I. Tomkowiak u.a. (eds.): Übergänge und Entgrenzungen in der Fantastik (= Fantastikfoschung / Research in the Fantastic 1), Zurich: LIT Verlag 2014, pp. 499-512.
    • Nibelungen - born to die: In the here and now the old maeren ganz nah, in: Die horen 252 (2013), pp. 101-114. [Television theater: Dieter Wedel Friedrich Hebbel's Nibelungen - born to die.]
    • "Letting the Heroes Be Heroes for Once!" Revisions of the comic in the Nibelungenlied-Rezeption des Gegenwartstheaters, in: J. Grabmayer (ed.): Das Bild vom Mittelalter (= Schriftenreihe der Akademie Friesach, N. F. 3), Klagenfurt 2013, pp. 79-116. [Texts and television theater: Moritz Rinke Nibelungen, John von Düffel The Life of Siegfried]
    • Heldenkörper - Körperhelden: Constructions of Masculinity in Text and Film, in: Acts of the XII. International Congress of Germanists Warsaw 2010: Multiplicity and Unity of German Studies Worldwide: Film and Visual Media; Multimedia and Transnational Communication in the Baroque Era; Developments in German-Language Contemporary Literature and Media after 1989; Literature-Media-Culture in a German Studies Context, Frankfurt a. M. 2012 (Publications of the International Association for German Studies (IVG); 10), pp. 125-131. [Text and Film: Nibelungenlied, Fritz Lang The Nibelungs]
    • frouwen-knowledge - herren-knowledge? 'Geschlecht' als Kategorie des Wissens in mittelhochdeutschen Narrationen, in: A. Gardt/M. Schnyder/J. Wolf (eds.): Buchkultur und Wissensvermittlung in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. With the collaboration of Susanne Schul. Berlin u.a.: de Gruyter 2011, pp. 183-202. [Texts: Hartmann von Aue GregoriusHeinrich von dem Türlîn Diu Crône, Wolfram von Eschenbach Willehalm]
    • Burg Katz, in: I. Baumgärtner/M. Stercken/A. Halle (eds.): Wilhelm Dilich: Landtafeln hessischer Ämter zwischen Rhein und Weser 1607-1622, Kassel: kassel university press 2011, pp. 94-102. [Cartography: Wilhelm Dilich's Landtafeln are among the most important cartographic works of the 17th century.
      The (handwritten, drawn) original plates are source works for research on field names as well as local, building and war history. They show the town, landscape and castle situations before the destruction of the Thirty Years War and the developments of subsequent centuries. The book contains, describes, annotates and analyzes all 66 plates by Dilich's hand in facsimile quality]
    • IAG Women's and Gender Studies, in: C. Brinker-von der Heyde/D. Fuhr/W. Gabler u.a. (eds.): 40 Jahre Universität Kassel. Natur - Technik - Kultur - Gesellschaft, Kassel: kassel university press 2011, p. 62 (with Claudia Brinker-von der Heyde).
    • me fecit... Grabsteine als Quellen des römischen Handwerkerstandes, in: Geschichte lernen 117 (2007), pp. 26-33.


    • Presentation in preparation for the literary didactic conference "Gender & Sexuality in Literature and Media Didactics" by Dr. Jennifer Witte and Dr. Franz Kröber entitled "The Superpower to Read Between the Lines!!!": A Gender Reflexive and Intersectional Toolkit in Children's and Youth Nonfiction Comics (University of Osnabrück, July 26-27, 2024).
    • Lecture at the Literary Studies Lecture Series "Nature-Culture Interferences in Medieval, Early Modern and Modern Times" by Prof. Dr. Franziska Wenzel (Older German Literature) entitled "Wolf gesehen?! Humanimal Narrative in the Middle Ages and the Present" (Goethe University Frankfurt, Dec. 04, 2023).
    • Habilitation lecture/rehearsal lecture and scientific talk with the title "Alte Maere neu erklären: Media literacy promotion in the field of action of heroic narrative through self-produced explanatory videos" (University of Kassel, Jan. 25, 2023)
    • Application lecture and scientific talk entitled "Mut zur Lücke: Narrative and Reception-Directing Functions of Text-Image Correlations in the Kassel "Willehalm" Codex and "Willehalm" Comic" for the W2 professorship "Germanic Medieval Studies with a Focus on Digital Humanities and New Media" at the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg (University of Bamberg: 01/31/2022).
    • Lecture at the interdisciplinary colloquium "Wiederholung und Kreativität. Repetitive Patterns in Early Modern Conversations" by Prof. Dr. Nikola Roßbach (University of Kassel) and Prof. Dr. Angela Schrott (University of Kassel) with the title "Was zum Teufel wil / das laest sich nicht aufhalten": Variierende Wiederholung und asymmetrische Kommunikationsmuster des Teufelspaktes in der Historia von D. Johann Fausten (Hofgeismar, 11.-14.10.2021).
    • Presentation at the transdisciplinary study conference "Faszination Nibelungen - Präsenz und Vermittlung eines multimedialen Mythos" by Prof. Dr. Andrea Sieber (Older German Literary Studies) and Prof. Dr. Karla Müller (Didaktik der deutschen Sprache und Literatur) entitled "Nibelungische Erklärvideos als Lehr-Lern-Strategie: Intersektionalität im Handlungsfeld heldenepischen Erzählens." (University of Passau, 24-26.09 2021).
    • Paper presented at the online literary didactics conference "New Perspectives on a German Didactics Oriented to Cultural and Human Sciences - Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives on Racism-Sensitive Teaching and Training at Schools and Universities" by Prof. Dr. Michael Hofmann (University of Paderborn); Jun.- . Prof. Dr. Karina Becker (Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg) with the title "Heroic Heterogeneity: Intersectional Analyses of Quentin Tarantino's "Django Unchained" in Diversity-Sensitive Literature Teaching" (University of Paderborn, 02.-03.06.2021).
    • Lecture with Professor Dr. Andrea Sieber (Older German Literary Studies) in the context of the lecture "Medieval Myths in Medial Transfer" with the title "Out of the Box? Narrated Interdependencies in Alex Alice's Siegfried Comic" (University of Passau, Faculty of Philology, 14.05.2019).
    • Presentation at the medievalist workshop "Vom Spruchband zur Sprechblase: Comics des Mittelalters - Mittelaltercomics" by Marion Darilek and Dr. Matthias Däumer entitled "Kindheitsbilder erzählen: Intermediality and Hero Genesis in Alex Alice's Siegfried Comic" (University of Tübingen, April 26-27, 2019).
    • Presentation at the medievalist conference "altiumære heute: Die Nibelungen und ihre Rezeption im 21. Jahrhundert" by Prof. Dr. Ingrid Bennewitz and Dr. Detlef Goller entitled "Es gibt immer ein Opfer": Albert Ostermaier's GOLD: Der Film der Nibelungen aus einer intersektionalen Perspektive (University of Bamberg, 9.-11.11.2017).
    • Paper presented at the interdisciplinary conference "Tiere wissen - Tiere erzählen: Narrative Designs of Animality in Literature and Culture - Fictionality and Factuality of Texts" of the Collaborative Research Center 833 "Constitution of Meaning" and the Research Training Group 1662 "Religious Knowledge in Pre-Modern Europe (800-1800)" with the title "Dye lewynne stalte groß iamer vnd leyt vmb das kint, das ir genomen wart": Interspecific Processes of Emotionalization in the Late Medieval Prose Novel Duke Herpin" (University of Tübingen, June 23-24, 2017).
    • Lecture with PD. Dr. Urte Heldhuser, German Seminar, Leibniz Universität Hannover, entitled "Dangerous intersections: Narrative constructions of heroism" (Leibniz Universität Hannover, May 02, 2017).
    • Lecture in the advanced seminar "Animals in Medieval and Early Modern Literature" by Prof. Dr. Ingrid Bennewitz entitled "Begegnung der Arten: Humanimal Ästhetik in spätmittelalterlicher Heldenepik" (University of Bamberg, 24.01.2016).
    • Lecture at the medievalist conference "Gender Studies - Queer Studies - Intersectionality Research. Eine Zwischenbilanz aus mediävistischer Perspektive" with the title "ain hierß leit mir ain luoder: Begehren, Animalität und Intersektionalität im Friedrich von Schwaben" (Freie Universität Berlin, 17.-19.11.2016).
    • Lecture in the research colloquium of "Cultural and Literary Animal Studies" by Prof. Dr. Roland Borgards (14.-15.07.2016) entitled "Tier-Mensch-Beziehungen im Minne- und Aventiureroman Friedrich von Schwaben" (University of Würzburg, 14.07.2016).
    • Lecture at the Heidelberg Medieval Research Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Ludger Lieb entitled "Materialität des Transformativen: Hybrid Heroes and Non-Human Agents in Wolfdietrich Epic A" (University of Heidelberg, 09.06.2016).
    • Lecture and workshop at the interdisciplinary conference: "The View of the Animal: Reflection of Human-Animal Relations in Texts and Media of the Middle Ages" (03.-04.03.2016) entitled "Perception and Aesthetics" (University of Kassel, 03.03.2016).
    • Lectureat the interdisciplinary conference "Erträge einer interdisziplinären Tierforschung" of the research focus "Tier - Mensch - Gesellschaft" (06.-07.10.2015) with the title "si gienc ûf allen vieren recht sam si waere ein ber: Narrationsmuster einer humanimalen Ästhetik im Wolfdietrich-Epos D" (University of Kassel, 07.10.2015).
    • Lecture in the Zurich Medieval Research Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Susanne Köbele, Prof. Dr. Mireille Schnyder and Prof. Dr. Christian Kiening entitled "Monströs schön: Typologien einer humanimalen Ästhetik" (University of Zurich, 29.04.2015).
    • Lecture and workshop in the Master's seminar "Medieval Texts in the Mirror of Modern Literature. Forms of Adaptation and Recoding" by Prof. Dr. Timo Reuvekamp-Felber and Prof. Dr. Hans-Edwin Friedrich, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel with the title "Liebesgeflüster zwischen Spezies? Humanimal Relationship Determination in Herzog Ernst" (Kiel University, 08.01.2015).
    • Lecture at the interdisciplinary conference "Tier im Bild - die menschliche Perspektive" (Ottoneum Kassel) with the title "Einbildung,Abbildungund Wortbildung: The Elephant in Medieval Literature and Art" (together with Prof. Dr. C. Brinker-von der Heyde, University of Kassel, 14.-16.11.2014).
    • Lecture at the medievalist conference "Satirische Kritik und Reflexion des Politischen in der europäischen Tierepik" entitled "Species and Power: Hegemoniale 'Tierlichkeit' auf dem Prüfstand" (Kloster Johannesberg, 18.-20.09.2014).
    • Lecture at the Summer School of the SFB 948 "Helden - Heroisierungen - Heroismen" (15.-17.05.2014) "An Antihero? Gegenentwürfe zum Heroischen in Vormoderne und Moderne" with the title "Tierisch heldenhaft oder humanimaler Grenzgänger: Reinhart Fuchsals (Anti-)Held im mittelalterlichen Tierepos" (University of Freiburg, 16.05.2014).
    • Commentary in the lecture series of the ZFF research focus "Inequalities in Gender Relations: Making Differences - Interdisciplinary Dialogues on Gender Research"(SoSe 2013). Lecture with interdisciplinary commentary: Dr. Kerstin Wolff (History/Archives of the German Women's Movement): "The Prostitute around 1900 - Between Abolitionism and Neoreglementarism." Commentary by Dr. Susanne Schul (German Medieval Studies): "The oldest trade in the world?" (University of Kassel, 12.06.2013).
    • Lecture at the Hessian State Representation Berlin "Hessen erinnert: Exportschlager und Landesmarke Grimm - einst und heute", event of the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art entitled "Schneewittchen - ein Evergreen: Grimm'sche Märchenadaption im Film" (Berlin, Feb. 21, 2013).
    • Lecture at the international conference "Fairy Tales, Myths and Modernity - 200 Years of Children's and Household Tales by the Brothers Grimm" (17.12.-20.12.2012) with the title "Das doppelte Schneewittchen? An intersectional comparison of Grimm's contemporary reception in Hollywood cinema" (University of Kassel, 18.12.2012).
    • Lecture at the 3rd annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung (GFF) "Übergänge und Entgrenzungen in der Fantastik" (13.-16.9.2012) entitled "Das Eigene in der Fremde (er)finden - Ein fantastisches Wieder- und Weitererzählen im mittelhochdeutschen Herzog Ernst und in Lutz Dammbeck's Animationsfilm" (University of Zurich, 15.09.2012).
    • Lecture at the Working Group on Ancient German Studies at the Institute of German Studies, University of Vienna, entitled "(Un)Gleichheit erzählen: Intersectionality from a Cultural-Historical Perspective" (University of Vienna, 10.05.2012).
    • Lecture at the 12th Pöchlarner Heldenliedgespräche (11.4.-14.4.2012) "Spuren der Heldensage. Texte - Bilder - Realien" with the title "Live at the site of the event? Mediality and Materiality of the Nibelungen Saga at the Worms Nibelungen Festival" (Pöchlarn, 13.04.2012).
    • Lecture at the 15th Colloquium of the Academy Friesach (Austria) "Das Bild vom Mittelalter" (27-30.10.2011) with the title "Einmal die Helden sein lassen. The Nibelungenlied in the Theater" (Friesach, 28.10.2011).
    • Lecture at theXIIth Congress of the International Association for German Studies (IVG) "Vielheit und Einheit der Germanistik weltweit" (30.07.-07.08.2010) with the title "Spielregeln der Geschlechter: Ein genderspezifischer Vergleich des mittelhochdeutschen Nibelungenliedes und der Nibelungen-Verfilmung Fritz Langs" (University of Warsaw, 04.08.2010).
    • Lecture in the interdisciplinarylecture series of the IAG Women's and Gender Studies at the University of Kassel "Inequalities in Gender Relations" (28.04.-30.06.) with the title "Schwarz ≠ Weiß: Ungleichheiten von Männlichkeitskonstruktionen in Fritz Langs Nibelungenfilm" (University of Kassel, 30.06.2010).

    Lecture series, colloquia, workshops and section chairs

    • Section Chairs at the International Grimm Congress "Fairy Tales, Myths and Modernity - 200 Years of Children's and Household Tales by the Brothers Grimm". University of Kassel, 17-20.12.2012: Section 8: Mediale Bearbeitungen: The Fairy Tale Film / Section 20: Poetology of the Fairy Tale: Construction of Gender / Section 44: Poetology of the Fairy Tale: Fairy Tale Motifs.
    • Member of the planning and program committee of the interdisciplinary lecture series "Intersectional research - but how?" of the ZFF research focus "Inequalities in Gender Relations", WiSe 2012/2013, University of Kassel.
    • Member of the planning and program committee of the interdisciplinary lecture series "SprachGefühl" of the Humanities and Cultural Studies Doctoral Program. On five evenings, experts from the disciplines of theology, older and modern German literary studies, rhetoric, conversation research and linguistics illuminated the relationship between language and feeling from the perspective of their subject-specific issues. Leading the section of Prof. Dr. Thomas Anz (Modern German Literature/University of Giessen) and Prof. Dr. Andrea Sieber (Older German Literature/University of Duisburg-Essen) with the title "Emotion as Text? Possibilities and limits of emotion research in literary studies", WiSe 2012/2013, University of Kassel.
    • Member of the planning and program committee of the interdisciplinary lecture series "Making Differences - Interdisciplinary Dialogues" on gender research of the ZFF research focus "Inequalities in Gender Relations", University of Kassel, SoSe 2013. Lectures with interdisciplinary commentaries in cooperation with the Archive of the German Women's Movement.
    • Organizer of the interdisciplinary research colloquium "Mysticism - The Longing for the Absolute," SoSe 2013, University of Kassel. In the series, conducted together with Dr. Jörn Münkner (NdL), fourteen researchers of different disciplinary provenance (German language history and medieval studies, art history and early modern history, historical contemporary history in the medium of film, theology, philosophy, and modern German literature) dealt with the elusive concept of the mystical. A workshop by medieval mysticism researcher Prof. Dr. Hildegart Elisabeth Keller (University of Zurich) was integrated, and the series concluded with a cinema screening of her film contribution "The Ocean in the Thimble" (USA/CH, 2012, 90 min.). 
    • Interdisciplinary workshop entitled "KatzenARTige: Narrativik in Text und Bild" in the context of the LOEWE conference "Methods of Interdisciplinary Animal Research" together with Theresa Kölczer (German Medieval Studies), Dr. Christian Presche (Art History), Daniel Wolf (Art History), University of Kassel, 15-16.01.2015.
    • Medieval Colloquium at the University of Kassel entitled: "The Donkey as a Figure of Reflection: Workshop on Human-Animal Relations in Medieval Literature" (in cooperation with J.-Prof. Dr. Julia Weitbrecht, Older German Literature, University of Kiel), 14.07.2015.
    • Interdisciplinary panel "Animal Narratives" (Medieval German Studies and Theology) with a commentary by Prof. Dr. Susanne Gillmayr-Bucher (Old Testament Biblical Studies, KTU Linz) in the context of the LOEWE conference "Empiricism and Interdisciplinary Animal Research" together with Theresa Kölczer (Medieval German Studies) and Dr. Yvonne Thöne (Theology/Old Testament) University of Kassel, 05.-06.10.2015.
    • Chair of the medievalist conference and workshop entitled: "The View of the Animal: Reflections on Human-Animal Relations in Medieval Texts and Media," 03-04.03.2016. A cooperation of the Kassel LOEWE focus "Animal - Human - Society" with the Kiel DFG project "Eloquent Animals. Narrative Configurations of Human-Animal Relations in German-language Animal Literature of the 14th-16th Centuries" (together with J.-Prof. Dr. Julia Weitbrecht). Funded by the LOEWE-Focus of the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art - Landes-Offensive zur Entwicklung Wissenschaftlich-ökonomischer Exzellenz.
    • Organization and chairing of the interdisciplinary panel "Animal Knowledge in Transfer: Teaching and Learning" with a panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Claudia Wulff (Didactics of Biology, University of Kassel), Prof. Dr. Berbeli Wanning (Didactics of Literature, University of Siegen) and Christian Dölker (Didactics of Literature, University of Munich) in the context of the LOEWE conference "Application and Transfer" together with Dr. André Krebber (History of Animal-Human Relations) and Christopher Hilbert (Theoretical Philosophy), University of Kassel, 10-11.10.2016.