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SoSe 2025
- Introduction to Older German Literature and Language 2 (Hartmann von Aue "Gregorius")
Seminar with tutorial, max. 60 participants
winter semester 2024/25
- Ecocriticism, Ecofeminism and Medieval Studies: New Approaches to Medieval Literature [Climate Thinking]
Seminar, max. 30 participants
Summer semester 2024
- Introduction to Early German Literature and Language 2 ("Nibelungenlied")
Seminar with tutorial, max. 60 participants
winter semester 2023/24
- "Der welsche Gast" interdisciplinary - digital editions between history and philology
Interdisciplinary seminar with Elena Vanelli, max. 30 participants
Summer semester 2023
- Introduction to Early German Literature and Language 2 (Hartmann von Aue "Erec")
Seminar with tutorial, max. 60 participants
Winter semester 2022/23
- Friendships in the Middle High German Reception of Troy
Seminar, max. 30 participants
SoSe 2022
- Introduction to Older German Literature and Language 2 (Hartmanns von Aue "Der arme Heinrich")
Seminar with tutorial, max. 60 participants
WiSe 2021/22
- Friends or rivals? Friendships in Middle High German Literature
Seminar, max. 30 participants
Summer Term 2021
- Introduction to Early German Literature and Language 2 (Wolfram von Eschenbach's "Parzival")
Seminar with tutorial, max. 60 participants
WiSe 2020/21
- Reception of Antiquity - Motifs in the Eneiden
Seminar with tutorial, max. 30 participants