Publications and lectures

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Böhm, Felix / Böhnert, Martin / Drube, Julia / Hornisch, Maria / Lang, Silvie / Rink, Annika / Sezi, Murat / Sinning, Jan / Sternath, Vanessa-Nadine (eds.): Climates - Cultures - Contexts. Bielefeld: transcript.



Sternath, Vanessa-Nadine / Lang, Silvie / Riess, Christine (eds.): Human-Plant Networks. Vegetable agency in the climate catastrophe. Bielefeld: transcript (Climates - Cultures - Contexts 2), 270 pages [in print].

since 2025

Online reference work

together with Silvie Lang: Section editorial "Talking about climate change". In: Böhm, Felix / Böhnert, Martin / Reszke, Paul (eds.): Climate Thinking - A Living Handbook. Kassel: University of Kassel. URL:


  • Sternath, Vanessa-Nadine: Dô brante wir den selben walt: Pflanzenblindheit im Straßburger Alexander. In: Somogyi, Peter / Schulz, Ronny F. (eds.): Die Sinne & die Sinnlichkeit. Medieval Texts and the Sensual Turn. Bielefeld: transcript [in preparation on request].

  • Sternath, Vanessa-Nadine / Mecklenburg, Michael: Sexuelle Selbstermächtigung und sexualisierte Gewalt im Nonnenturnier und im Rosendorn. In: Hess, Hendrik / Kaiser, Christian / Zacke, Birgit (eds.): Sexualitäten im Mittelalter (Das Mittelalter 2025/2), 16 pages [in preparation, double-blind peer review].
  • Sternath, Vanessa-Nadine: Tief an des boumes rinden: An ecofeminist analysis of proofs of love in Konrad von Würzburg's Trojan War and Andreas Hase's Bäume. Deeply rooted. In: Choné, Aurélie / Le Née, Aurélie (eds.): Mistreatments of animals and plants (special issue Recherches germaniques), 14 pages [in print, double-blind peer review].
  • Sternath, Vanessa-Nadine: On Yield Maximization and the Preservation of Wine in Bohemia and Franconia: An Ecocritical Analysis of Gottfried of Franconia' s Fur Book . In: Fejtová, Olga / Růčková, Markéta (eds.): Wine as a cultural phenomenon in cities from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. Prague: Prague City Archives (Documenta Pragensia, thematic issue 2025), 25 pages [accepted for publication].
  • Sternath, Vanessa-Nadine / Lang, Silvie / Riess, Christine: Introduction. Human-plant networks and vegetal agency in the climate catastrophe. In: this. (ed.): Human-plant networks. Vegetable agency in the climate catastrophe. Bielefeld: transcript (Climates - Cultures - Contexts 2), pp. 9-25 [in press].
  • Sternath, Vanessa-Nadine / Lang, Silvie / Riess, Christine: From the root to the fruit. Vegetable agency in vernacular tree-snake networks in Lutwin and Franz Xaver Schönwerth. In: this. (ed.): Menschen-Pflanzen-Netzwerke. Vegetable agency in the climate catastrophe. Bielefeld: transcript (Climates - Cultures - Contexts 2), pp. 131-149 [in press].
  • Lang, Silvie / Sternath, Vanessa-Nadine: Argumentation Strategies in Disaster Myths: Responsibility and Sense of Responsibility in the Gilgamesh Epic and in Georg Wickram's Metamorphoses Adaptation. In: Böhnert, Martin / Hornisch, Maria / Rink, Annika (eds.): Apocalypse and Apathy. (Dis)abilities to act in the climate crisis. Bielefeld: transcript (Climates - Cultures - Contexts 1), pp. 329-349. DOI:
  • Sternath, Vanessa-Nadine:sie hazeten sie vil sêre: An intersectional analysis of the Dido episode in Heinrich von Veldeke's Eneasroman. In: Szmorhun, Arletta / Zimniak, Paweł (eds.): People as objects of hate. Interdisciplinary Negotiations of a Destructive Phenomenon, Part 1. Göttingen: Brill / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht unipress, pp. 125-142. DOI: https: //

Glossary entries

  • Lang, Silvie / Sternath, Vanessa-Nadine (2025): Option for action, the. In: Böhnert, Martin / Hornisch, Maria / Rink, Annika (eds.): Apocalypse and apathy. (Dis)abilities to act in the climate crisis. Bielefeld: transcript (Climates - Cultures - Contexts 1), p. 461. DOI:

  • Lang, Silvie / Sternath, Vanessa-Nadine (2025): Carelessness, the. In: Böhnert, Martin / Hornisch, Maria / Rink, Annika (eds.): Apocalypse and apathy. (Dis)abilities to act in the climate crisis. Bielefeld: transcript (Climates - Cultures - Contexts 1), p. 465. DOI:


  • "Wi wynbere werdin ane steyne: Praktiken und Funktionen der Nutzpflanzenmanipulation im Pelzbuch Gottfrieds von Franken" at the conference "Food Studies - Quo vadis? Interdisciplinary Potentials for Researching the History of Nutrition in the Middle Ages" (University of Erfurt, November 13-14, 2025).
  • "How the Lindenblatt case caused unrest. Eine vegetabile Relektüre des Nibelungenlieds" at the XV IVG-Congress on the framework topic "Sprache und Literatur in Krisenzeiten" at the panel "Unruhe stiften: Ökologische Krisennarrative und experimentelle Poetiken des Anthropozäns" University (Graz, July 22, 2025).
  • "Der chuettenwazzer wein iſt guot zuo dem roten ueberfluz der frawen: Intermediale Wissensentwürfe in spätmittelalterlichen Mensch-Baum-Relationen" at the XV IVG Congress on the framework topic "Sprache und Literatur in Krisenzeiten" on the panel "Bäume in der Krise: Interdisziplinäre und intermediale Perspektiven" (University of Graz, July 21, 2025).
  • "Sexual self-empowerment and sexualized violence in Nonnenturnier and Rosendorn" with Prof. Dr. Michael Mecklenburg at the authors' conference "Sexualities in the Middle Ages" (University of Bonn, 13-14 March 2025).
  • "Intersectionality" based on the Jocundille episode in Konrad von Würzburg's Trojan War; with Prof. Dr. Michael Mecklenburg in the introductory lecture "Interdisciplinary Introduction to Approaches to Gender Studies" in the winter semester 2024/25 of the IAG Women's and Gender Studies (University of Kassel, January 29, 2025).
  • Poster presentation of the anthology "Menschen-Pflanzen-Netzwerke. Vegetable agency in the climate catastrophe" together with Silvie Lang at the conference "Überlesene Pflanzen Anthropozänkritische Überlegungen zur agentialen Wirkungsmacht pflanzlicher Lebewesen" (University of Frankfurt, January 25, 2025).
  • "Zur Bedeutung von Literatur im DaF-Unterricht am Beispiel von Felicitas Hoppes Iwein Löwenritter", at the request of Prof. Lucia Mor (online lecture for future German teachers in Italy, University of Brescia, September 12, 2024).
  • Impulse lecture on the topic "Forest" as part of the Climate Thinking discussion round"WALD. fremde idylle. vertraute veränderung. verfügbare bedrohung", organized by Martin Böhnert and Annika Rink (Ottoneum Kassel, 29 May 2024).
  • "Intersectionality" based on the Jocundille episode in Konrad von Würzburg's Trojan War; with Prof. Dr. Michael Mecklenburg in the introductory lecture "Interdisziplinäre Einführung in Ansätze der Geschlechterforschung" in the winter semester 2023/24 of the IAG Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung (University of Kassel, January 10, 2024).
  • "Phantasmagorias of perpetrator-victim reversal. Sexualized violence in Middle High German fairy tale poetry" with Prof. Dr. Michael Mecklenburg in the interdisciplinary lecture series "Gewalt und Körper: Dimensionen sexualisierten Gewalt" (University of Kassel, 9 May 2023).
  • "Konrad von Megenberg's Das Buch der Natur and Franz Xaver Schönwerth's Sitten und Sagen aus der Oberpfalz als Dämonenkataloge" with Silvie Lang at the interdisciplinary conference "Demonology revisited. Demonology in interdisciplinary perspective" of the Arbeitskreis Interdisziplinäre Hexenforschung (AKIH) (Stuttgart-Hohenheim, February 25, 2023).
  • "Intersectionality" based on the Jocundille episode in Konrad von Würzburg's Trojan War; with Prof. Dr. Michael Mecklenburg in the introductory lecture "Interdisziplinäre Einführung in Ansätze der Geschlechterforschung" in the winter semester 2022/23 of the IAG Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung (University of Kassel, December 14, 2022).
  • "I was you, you who me. Die (Un-)Gleichheit von Achill und Patroklos in der mittelhochdeutschen Trojadichtung" as part of the humanities and cultural studies doctoral program GeKKo (University of Kassel, November 18, 2022).
  • "Sin 'disabled'?! On the Construction of Disability and Gender in Konrad von Megenberg" at the interdisciplinary 16th workshop of the research focus Women's and Gender History of the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies of the University of Vienna on the topic "DisAbility and Gender History. Intersectional Perspectives on Disability and Gender" (University of Vienna, November 4, 2022).
  • "Ulixes between understanding advisor, clever messenger and 'cunning' hero. On the divergent conception of figures in Herbort von Fritzlar's Liet von Troye and Konrad von Würzburg's Trojan War" at the 27th Germanist Conference on the framework topic "Ambiguities" at the panel "Gesteigerte Mehrdeutigkeit in der deutschsprachigen Troja-Literatur des Mittelalters" (University of Paderborn, September 22-28, 2022).

Event organization, transfer and public relations

  • Organization of the interdisciplinary Diversity Week 2024 - "Language and Identity" at the University of Kassel (18-22 November 2024)
  • Organization and moderation of the interdisciplinary student panel "Ungehiure creâtiuren: Fantastic, medieval, posthuman" at the Fantastic Climates conference as part of the IAG Climate Thinking (7 September 2024, publication in planning)

  • Organization of the Diversity Week 2023 at the Department of Humanities and Cultural Studies at the University of Kassel (6-10 November 2023)
  • Speaker at the Carmina Burana concert of the Institute of Music of the University of Kassel, DE (February 2 and 3, 2023)