2025 | - Sternath, Vanessa-Nadine / Mecklenburg, Michael: Sexuelle Selbstermächtigung und sexualisierte Gewalt im Nonnenturnier und im Rosendorn. In: Hess, Hendrik / Kaiser, Christian / Zacke, Birgit (eds.): Sexualitäten im Mittelalter (Das Mittelalter 2025/2), 16 pages [in preparation, double-blind peer review].
- Sternath, Vanessa-Nadine: Tief an des boumes rinden: An ecofeminist analysis of proofs of love in Konrad von Würzburg's Trojan War and Andreas Hase's Bäume. Deeply rooted. In: Choné, Aurélie / Le Née, Aurélie (eds.): Mistreatments of animals and plants (special issue Recherches germaniques), 14 pages [in print, double-blind peer review].
- Sternath, Vanessa-Nadine: On Yield Maximization and the Preservation of Wine in Bohemia and Franconia: An Ecocritical Analysis of Gottfried of Franconia' s Fur Book . In: Fejtová, Olga / Růčková, Markéta (eds.): Wine as a cultural phenomenon in cities from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. Prague: Prague City Archives (Documenta Pragensia, thematic issue 2025), 25 pages [accepted for publication].
- Sternath, Vanessa-Nadine / Lang, Silvie / Riess, Christine: Introduction. Human-plant networks and vegetal agency in the climate catastrophe. In: this. (ed.): Human-plant networks. Vegetable agency in the climate catastrophe. Bielefeld: transcript (Climates - Cultures - Contexts 2), pp. 9-25 [in press].
- Sternath, Vanessa-Nadine / Lang, Silvie / Riess, Christine: From the root to the fruit. Vegetable agency in vernacular tree-snake networks in Lutwin and Franz Xaver Schönwerth. In: this. (ed.): Menschen-Pflanzen-Netzwerke. Vegetable agency in the climate catastrophe. Bielefeld: transcript (Climates - Cultures - Contexts 2), pp. 131-149 [in press].
- Lang, Silvie / Sternath, Vanessa-Nadine: Argumentation Strategies in Disaster Myths: Responsibility and Sense of Responsibility in the Gilgamesh Epic and in Georg Wickram's Metamorphoses Adaptation. In: Böhnert, Martin / Hornisch, Maria / Rink, Annika (eds.): Apocalypse and Apathy. (Dis)abilities to act in the climate crisis. Bielefeld: transcript (Climates - Cultures - Contexts 1), pp. 329-349. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839474372.