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VDAC Scholarships 2020/21

@Fremdsprachenlehr- und -lernforschung & Interkulturelle Kommunikation - für T3-Zip - Migration, falls gewünscht

The VDAC (Association of German-American Clubs) is now sponsoring highly motivated, academically and personally qualified students!
The scholarship is intended for your stay from August/September 2021 to May/June 2022. It covers all tuition fees! You can apply as an undergraduate and graduate student alike. This is a unique opportunity! It is your chance to broaden your horizons and further your academic and cultural education to a high degree. Take advantage of this opportunity and represent the University of Kassel at one of America's leading universities!
Please send applications for pre-selection via email to cfink@uni-kassel.de and eichner@uni-kassel.de by May 11, 2020. Please place a paper copy of your application in Mr. Eichner's mailbox in room 4042, 4th floor, Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5. Each application will be carefully reviewed.