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VDAC Scholarships 2020/21

VDAC (Association of German-American Clubs) is now sponsoring highly motivated students who are academically and personally qualified!
The scholarship is for your stay from August/September 2021 to May/June 2022. It covers all applicable tuition fees! You can apply as an undergraduate and graduate student alike. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! It's your chance to broaden your horizons and get highly educated academically as well as culturally. Take advantage of this opportunity and represent the University of Kassel at one of America's premier universities!
Please email applications for preselection to cfink@uni-kassel.de and eichner@uni-kassel.de by May 11, 2020. Please place a hard copy of your application in Mr. Eichner's mailbox in room 4042, 4th floor, Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5. Each application will be carefully reviewed.