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05/25/2023 | Conference

European education in literature lessons

The conference "Europabildung im Literaturunterricht" took place in Kassel on 25 and 26 May 2023 with the aim of bringing together different perspectives on the potentials and challenges of an aesthetic examination of self and foreign descriptions of Europe and bringing them into conversation with each other. 

Paul Bräutigam, Jennifer Pavlik (both University of Kassel) and Ivo Theele (University of Flensburg) invited representatives from literary and didactic research, educational policy and teachers, who contributed their respective expertise to reflect on the design of Europe-related competences, the curricular anchoring of these competences and the possibilities of realizing European education in literature lessons.


The conference was part of the European Union-funded Jean Monnet project "EuKiD. Europe-related competences in the German classroom". Further information can be found at www.eukid.de