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06/30/2023 | Publikation

Stefanie Kreuzer (ed.): Doris Dörrie. Kasseler Grimm-Poetikprofessur 2022. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2023.

After the Grimm Poetics Professorship is before the Grimm Poetics Professorship. Just in time for the week with Feridun Zaimoglu, the anthology on Doris Dörrie edited by Stefanie Kreuzer is published.

Stefanie Kreuzer (ed.): Doris Dörrie. Kasseler Grimm-Poetikprofessur 2022. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2023.

Doris Dörrie, Grimm Poetics Professor 2022, is one of the best-known and internationally most successful German filmmakers:in. She also writes screenplays, fictional (narrative) texts, children's books and non-fiction. Many of her films are relationship comedies, often focusing on eccentric (single) characters and social stereotypes as well as role clichés, man-woman relationships and gender issues humorously to bitingly - including Männer (D 1985), Erleuchtung garantiert (D 1999),  Nackt (D 2002), Kirschblüten - Hanami (D 2008), Die Friseuse (D 2010) and Grüsse aus Fukushima (D 2016). The first part of the volume documents the GPP events with film samples, audience discussions as well as texts from "Die Heldin reist" (2022). An experience report on the poetics seminar is by Constanze Engelhardt and Lea Vemino. In the second part, film contributions follow - one by Stefanie Kreuzer on Frau Dörrie und die Gespenster (D 2022; director: Thomas Henke) and one by Jasmin Weber on Freibad (D 2022).  Further information on the book can be found here.