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08/31/2023 | Publikation

Schrott, Angela/Wolf, Johanna/Pflüger, Christine (eds.): Textkomplexität und Textverstehen. Studies on the comprehensibility of texts.

Text comprehension is a dynamic process in which readers engage in a dialogue with the text. For disciplines concerned with text comprehension, it has proven to be extremely fruitful to define text complexity as the totality of dynamic interactions that occur when the linguistic and cultural levels of a text are activated in the comprehension process. These activations contextualize the text in its linguistic, cultural, and epistemic environments and generate a mental model of the text through semantic constructions in the process of reception. If texts are available in multimodal and multicodal formats, then the demands on cognitive processing are additionally increased. This multidimensionality of text comprehension requires interdisciplinary research on text complexity and text comprehension. This volume therefore outlines a research design that combines text linguistics and text-based didactics across disciplines. The contributions propose theoretical modeling for an interdisciplinary exploration of text complexity and text comprehension, provide text type-specific models of analysis, and offer suggestions from the practice of language and culture education.

More information about the book can be found here.