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Coloquio Internacional en la Universidad de Kassel: "Redes de poder y dominación en oficinas, burocracias y empresas"

Coloquio Internacional en la Universidad de Kassel: "Redes de poder y dominación en oficinas, burocracias y empresas"

(International Colloquium at the University of Kassel: Structures of power and domination in offices, bureaucracies and companies)


This is the title of the colloquium held as part of the project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) entitled "Kleine Souveränität. Personal forms of power in everyday life and their representation in the Hispanic American novel of the 20th and 21st centuries" (https://www.uni-kassel.de/forschung/kleine-souveraenitaet/startseite), an international colloquium will be held at the Center for Latin American Studies (CELA) at the University of Kassel.

Taking Latin American fiction and cinema as a starting point, the international symposium will focus on the office as a space of domination and power. The objects of investigation may be the representation of state bureaucracy, but private companies, as emblematically thematized by the Argentinian Roberto Mariani in his cycle of stories from the year, will also be brought into focus, allowing the office to be analysed as a paradigmatic space of power.

The colloquium will take place from June 26 to 27 at CELA/Kassel in Spanish. You can find the conference program here.

Contact: witthaus[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

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