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Public lecture by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Aleida Assmann

On Friday, February 14, 2025, at 7 p.m., Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Aleida Assmann will give a public lecture on the topic "Can the past be repaired?"; the lecture is the prelude to a symposium on "Systemic Biography Work", which is jointly organized by the Institute for Catholic Theology, Prof. Dr. Ilse Müllner, and the Systemisches Institut Mitte - SYIM, Herta and Holger Schindler.

When:14.02.2025, 19.00 hrs.
Where: University of Kassel, Campus Center, Lecture Hall 3
Admission is free.

Can the past be repaired - this is a moving question in relation to one's own life story, family history and for societies. "The research of literary and cultural scientist Aleida Assmann and her husband Jan Assmann (Egyptologist) on cultural memory forms the basis of the Systemic Biography Work approach I have developed," says Herta Schindler.
Aleida Assmann was awarded the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade together with her husband Jan Assmann in 2018. Her latest book "Gemeinsinn" was published in 2024. It deals with the question of what endangers democracies and how we can protect them.

All interested parties are welcome to attend the lecture!

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