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  • Evolution - Emotion - Literature. Studies on shame in Middle High German narrative poetry. Unpublished habilitation thesis Berlin 2007.
  • Parody and pathos. The reception of heroic sagas in the historical Dietrich epic. Munich 2002 (Forschungen zur Geschichte der älteren deutschen Literatur 27). Reviews: Jan-Dirk Müller, in: Arbitrium 21 (2003), pp. 287f.; Christoph Fasbender, in: Germanistik 2003, pp. 772f.; John Haines, in: Mediävistik 17 (2004), pp. 393-395; Norbert Voorwinden, in: ABäG 60 (2005), pp. 307-313; Lydia Miklautsch, in: Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 45 (2005), pp. 386-389; Roswitha Wisniewski, in: Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik 38 (2006), pp. 207f.


  • Adventurous 'crossovers': Vormoderne intersektional. Edited by Susanne Schul, Mareike Böth and Michael Mecklenburg. Göttingen 2017 [in preparation]
  • The Last Judgement in European Sermons. Acts of the International Conference, Brussels/Antwerp, Oct. 19th-22nd 2002. Ed. by Thom Mertens, Hans-Jochen Schiewer, Maria Sherwood-Smith, Michael Mecklenburg. Turnhout 2013.
  • Forgotten Texts - Obscured Views. New perspectives on Wickram research. Edited by Maria E. Müller and Michael Mecklenburg with the collaboration of Andrea Sieber. Bern and others 2007.
  • The adventure of genealogy. Father-son relationships in the Middle Ages. Edited by Johannes Keller, Michael Mecklenburg and Matthias Meyer. Göttingen 2006 (Aventiuren 2).
  • Aventiuren des Geschlechts. Models of masculinity in the literature of the 13th century. Edited by Martin Baisch, Hendrikje Haufe, Michael Mecklenburg, Matthias Meyer, Andrea Sieber. Göttingen 2003 (Aventiuren 1). Reviews: Claudia Brinker-von der Heyde, in :Beiträge 127 (2005), pp: 506-509; James A. Schultz, in: Speculum 81 (2005), pp: 476-478.
  • Narratives within narratives. Phenomena of Narration in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times. Edited by Harald Haferland and Michael Mecklenburg. Munich 1996 (Forschungen zur Geschichte der älteren deutschen Literatur 19). Reviews: Ludger Lieb, in: Fabula 39 (1998), pp. 345-348; Albrecht Classen, in: Mediaevistik 11 (1998), pp. 218-221; Stephan Müller, in: Beiträge 121 (1999), pp. 500-504.


  • "mir ist lait, daz der man min / ane zagel mvz wesen" (RF,
    V. 1058f.): On the overlapping of animality, gender and
    emotion in Heinrich's "Reinhart Fuchs". In: Adventurous 'Crossings': Vormoderne intersektional. Edited by Susanne Schul, Mareike Böth and Michael Mecklenburg. Göttingen 2017 [in preparation]
  • The Fall of Man as a stroke of luck: Lutwin's 'Eve and Adam'. In: Forgotten Texts of the Middle Ages. Edited by Nathanael Busch and Björn Reich. Stuttgart 2014. pp. 79-90.
  • Erec's shame. Cultural recasting of an emotion in the Middle High German courtly novel. In: Arcadia 44/H1 (2009). S. 73-92.
  • How to represent the Future? Narratological Aspects of Preaching and Performing the Last Judgement. In: The Last Judgement in European Sermons. Acts of the International Conference, Brussels/Antwerp, Oct. 19th-22nd 2002. Ed. by Thom Mertens, Hans-Jochen Schiewer, Maria Sherwood-Smith, Michael Mecklenburg. Turnhout 2009. pp. 163-180.
  • Together with Andrea Sieber: Myth recycling or collective dreaming? Reflections on the reception of the Middle Ages in film. In: Images of the Middle Ages. A Berlin lecture series. Edited by Volker Mertens and Carmen Stange. Göttingen 2007 (Aventiuren special volume).
  • Mitigating circumstances? Didaxis and figure design in the "Knabenspiegel" and the "Knabenspiegel" play. In: Forgotten Texts - Obscured Views. New perspectives on Wickram research. Edited by Maria E. Müller and Michael Mecklenburg with the collaboration of Andrea Sieber. Bern et al. 2007 [in print].
  • Kill the Father and Adopt the Son: On constructing a flawless hero in Rudolf's "Willehalm von Orlens". In: The Adventure of Genealogy. Father-Son Relationships in the Middle Ages. Edited by Johannes Keller, Michael Mecklenburg and Matthias Meyer. Göttingen 2006 (Aventiuren 2), pp. 105-122.
  • Fathers and sons in the Middle Ages: Perspectives on a problem area. In: Fathers and Sons: The Adventure of Genealogy. Father-son relationships in the Middle Ages. Edited by Johannes Keller, Michael Mecklenburg and Matthias Meyer. Göttingen 2006 (Aventiuren 2), pp. 9-38.
  • Walther's female voice. In: Understanding Walther - Teaching Walther. New readings and didactic considerations. Ed. by Thomas Bein. Frankfurt/M. et al. 2004 (Walther-Studien 2), pp. 83-107.
  • Ritter Venus und die Rückeroberung verlorenen Terrains. In: Aventiuren des Geschlechts. Models of masculinity in the literature of the 13th century. Edited by Martin Baisch, Hendrikje Haufe, Michael Mecklenburg, Matthias Meyer, Andrea Sieber. Göttingen 2003 (Aventiuren 1), pp. 175-207.
  • Seductress or seduced? On the figure of Dido in the vernacular literature of the Middle Ages. In: Seducers, villains, magicians. Edited by Werner Wunderlich and Ulrich Müller. St. Gallen 2001 (Medieval Myths III), pp. 173-191.
  • As horet as vlixes spoke. The tale of Ulysses in Herbort von Fritzlar's "Liet von Troye". In: Narratives within narratives. Phenomena of Narration in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times. Edited by Harald Haferland and Michael Mecklenburg. Munich 1996 (Forschungen zur Geschichte der älteren deutschen Literatur 19), pp. 41-57.