Publications and lectures

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Bauer, L. and Džudžević, D., Nguyễn, N. et al.: Empowermoment - Momente des Empowerns, in: Akbaba, Y. and Heinemann, A. (eds.), Erziehungswissenschaften decolonisieren. Theoretical debates and practice-oriented impulses. Beltz Juventa, Weinheim, 2023: 273-280,

Bauer, L.: Reconciliation with the father - An appeal against a socio-political morality of strength and for more unapologetic contact breaks, in arranca! #55, November 2021

Bauer, L., and Mühlsteff, J.: Conference report: The postcolonial museum, 13.06.2021-16.06.2021, digital (Hamburg), in: H-Soz-Kult, 21.10.2021,


18-20 July 2024: The German Impact on the Peruvian Musealization of Memory, Panel 1: Decolonizing Memory, Conference: Global Memories and the Dynamics of Transit, Memory Studies Association, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima

25-28 June 2024: Championing Memory: On the export of German memory culture to Peru, Session 11: German Memorial Model Revisited: Local (Re)Articulations and Global Travels, Conference: Memorialization, Musealization and Representation of Atrocities in Global Dialogue, Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) & Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies, Vienna

March 20-22, 2024: La Promoción del Estado alemán de Museos de la Memoria en Perú como Política anticomunista, Mesa 1: Politicas de museos, archivos de memoria y monumentos profanados, Workshop Internacional: El giro conservador, los usos del pasado y la defensa de la democracia en América Latina: la agenda del siglo XXI, Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO), online