Publications and lectures
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- What students hope, want and fear: Results of two student surveys on digital teaching at the University of Kassel. Available at: OPUS 4 | Was Germanistik-Studierende hoffen, wollen, befürchten : Ergebnisse zweier Studierendenumfragen zur digitalen Lehre an der University of Kassel (
- Review of:Lowry, Lois: The horrible story of the vile Willoughby family. Available at: - Lowry, Lois: The Horrible History of the Abominable Willoughby Family (Audiobook)
- Review of: Morosinotto, Davide: The Mississippi Gang: How we got rich with three dollars. Available at: - Morosinotto, Davide: The Mississippi Gang: How We Got Rich with Three Dollars (Audiobook)