GRP 2004

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Georg Forster (1754-1794): Departure into New Worlds

Kassel and Göttingen, September 8-11, 2004.

See here for the various locations and here for a map of the Holländischer Platz location - both in Kassel.

Wednesday, September 8, 2004

The conference office is located at Nora-Platiel-Straße 1, room 2211, and will be open on 15:00.

Kasseler Sparkasse, Wolfsschlucht 9

19.00 h Opening lecture


Georg Forster in German Remembrance Culture, Prof. Dr. Horst Dippel<

Thursday, September 9, 2004
University of Kassel, Arnold-Bode-Str. 2

Room 0401: Section I

Intercultural Experience, Intercultural Understanding (Chair: Dr. Dieter Heintze, Bremen)

Prof. Ibrahima Diop, University of Dakar

Forster and Africa

Dr. Pascal Fagot, University of Reims

Poland as Forster's counterpart to Tahiti

Prof. Dr. Joseph Gomsu, University of Yaoundé

Georg Forster: intercultural. Forster's project of another modernity

Dr. James Braund, University of Auckland

'The queen of the southern world'? Georg Forster and New Zealand

In between: 10:30-10:45 coffee break

Room 0402: Section II
Natural sciences and the scientific community (Head: Dr. Tanja van Hoorn, Halle)

Dr. habil. Annette Graczyk, University of Potsdam

Georg Forster's Views of the Lower Rhine as a Scientific Travelogue

Prof. Dr. Katsumi Funakoshi, University of Osaka

Dupaty's Travelogue and Forster's Views of the Lower Rhine 

Dr. Tanja van Hoorn, University of Halle

"And Humanity?" Nature research and anthropology in the scientific prose of Georg Forster (1754-1794) and Matthias Schleiden (1804-1881).

In between: 10:30-10:45 Coffee break

12:30-14:00 Lunch break


Room 0401: Section I (continued)
Intercultural Experience, Intercultural Understanding (Chair: Dr. Dieter Heintze, Bremen)

PD Dr. Eva-Maria Siegel, University of Cologne

Exchange relations. Gift, theft and possession around 1800 using the example of Georg Forster's "Journey around the World".

Takashi Mori, Kansai University

Between Man and Ape. Anthropological Aspects in Forster's Journey Around the World

Dr. Dieter Heintze, Bremen

Among Melanesians. How "ethnologically" did Forster think and observe?

Dr. Joerg Esleben, University of Calgary

Forster and India

In between: 15:30-16:15 Coffee break

Room 0402: Section III
Language, Literature and Visual Arts (Chair: Prof. Dr. Helmut Scheuer, Kassel)

Prof. Dr. Gerhart Pickerodt, University of Marburg

Romantic traits in the work of Georg Forster

Dr. Christiane Weller, Monash University

The A/Other at the Intersection of the Desire of Two World Travelers

Prof. Dr. Ribeiro Sanches, University of Lisbon

Travel and Self-Invention. Georg Forster's Diaries

In between: 15:30-16:15 coffee break

Foundry House of the University

19:00 Reception

of the participants by the President of the University of Kassel, Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postleb

Friday, September 10, 2004
University of Göttingen

7:50 a.m. 

Departure to Göttingen
Meeting point at Holländischer Platz (large parking lot on the university campus opposite the streetcar stop)

9:00 a.m. 

Visit of the Forster Collection in the Ethnological Institute of the University 

10:00 a.m. 

Tour of the Forster Herbaria

11:00 a.m. 

Tour of the Forsteriana in the Pauline Church

Lunch break


Heyne House: Section II (continued)
Natural sciences and the scientific community (Head: Dr. Tanja van Hoorn, Halle)

PD Dr. Bernhard Fritscher, University of Munich

A look inside the earth: geology and mineralogy in Georg Forster's work

Prof. Dr. Karol Sauerland, University of Warsaw

Forster, Poland and the debate about his remarks on Poland

Heyne House: Section III (continued)
Language, Literature and Visual Arts (Head: Prof. Dr. Helmut Scheuer, Kassel)

Dr. Michael Ewert, University of Munich

Georg Forster in the light of newly discovered sources

Prof. Dr. Jost Schneider, University of Bochum

Clear or comprehensible? On the Relationship between Cognitive Goals, Effective Intentions and Stylistic Ideals in Georg Forster's Works

Dr. Rotraut Fischer, Mühltal-Traisa

"(...)nur rapides tableau(...)"- Fictions of the Real in Georg Forster's "Views of the Lower Rhine

Aula am Wilhelmsplatz

8:00 p.m. Lecture

Georg Forster's Anthropology in Changing Environments, Prof. Ludwig Uhlig, Athens (Georgia)

Saturday, September 11, 2004
University of Kassel, Arnold-Bode-Str. 2


Room 0401: Section IV
Democracy, Republic and Political Change in Europe (Chair: Prof. Dr. Horst Dippel, Kassel)

Prof. Jens Flemming, University of Kassel

Ways of Forster-Reception in the Weimar Republic

Dr. Stummann-Bowert, Wettenberg

Processes of civilization and world trade in Georg Forster's work

Prof. Marita Gilli, University of Besancon

Conquest-Occupation-Liberation-Connection in Forster's and from our point of view

Thorsten Liesegang


In between: 10:30-10:45 coffee break

Room 0402: Section V
Communication, Public Sphere and Public Opinion (Head: Prof. Dr. Helmut Peitsch, Potsdam)

Dr. Yomb May, Neubeuern High School

"[...] developing the more correct concept of humanity". Plurality and Ethos in Georg Forster's Anthropology

PD Dr. Michaela Holdenried, University of Stellenbosch

Experiential Enlightenment. Philosophical Journeys into Destroyed Idylls

Prof. Dr. Irmline Veit-Brause, Deakin University

Karl Scherzer and Novara Journey

Prof. Dr. Barbara Becker-Cantarino, Columbus University, Ohio

Therese Huber about Georg Forster

In between: 10:30-10:45 Coffee break


Room 0401: Section IV (continued)
Democracy, Republic and Political Change in Europe (Chair: Prof. Dr. Horst Dippel, Kassel)

Dr. Peter Groenewold, University of Groningen

Georg Forster's Patterns of Interpretation of Holland and the Dutch. On the Methodology and Interdependent Textual Semantics of the 'Views from the Lower Rhine'.

Prof. Serge Glitho, University of Lomé

Georg Forster on the relation of statecraft to the happiness of mankind

Prof. Dr. Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik, University of Kassel

Forster's definition of revolution as a departure into the new world

In between: 15:30-16:15 coffee break

Room 0402: Section V (continued)
Communication, Public Sphere and Public Opinion (Chair: Prof. Dr. Helmut Peitsch, Potsdam)

Prof. Dr. Helmut Peitsch, University of Potsdam

"[...] how in the middle of the wildernesses of America the natives and the descendants of the Europeans approach each other": Georg Forster's image of a "new culture" in editions and reviews of travelogues about North America

Dr. Hans Erich Bödeker, Max Planck Institute for History Göttingen

Public opinion in Georg Forster's work

Prof. Dr. Walter F. Veit, Monash University

Topik of a Better World: The Pacific as Counterworld and Challenge for Europe

In between: 15:30-16:15 coffee break

Evening program


General Meeting of the Georg Forster Society


Dinner at the invitation of the GFG at Restaurant Caruso, Alte Garnisonskirsche

with friendly support:
University of Kassel
Kasseler Sparkasse
Kasseler Hochschulbund