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Reviews/Little stuff:


  • [2022] Michael Ewert/Stefan Greif (eds.): Georg-Forster-Studien XXIII: Briefkultur der Spätaufklärung. kassel university press: Kassel.


  • [2024] Aestheticized Remembrence in GDR-wave Videos on YouTube. Lecture together with Clara Öden at the conference The GDR Today VII. University of Liverpool, 06.-07.06.2024.
  • [2024] How to analyze animals in video games. The case of animal extinction. Poster at the conference Nonhuman Animals in the Age of Extinction and Mass Production. University College Dublin, 16-17.05.2024.
  • [2023] "Friends not food" - Idyllik im digitalen Landwirtschaftsspiel Story of Seasons. Presentation at the conference Tiere - Medien - Bildung: Perspektiven der Animal Studies für Medien, Medienpädagogik und Mediendidaktik. online, 11.05.2023.
  • [2023] "Everything in this game is so 'realistic' except for these stupid rabbits." Historical authenticity in video games from the player's perspective. Joint lecture with Jannis Grimberg in the lecture series Multiplayer Mentors. When video games become the subject of science. University of Kassel, 24.01.2023.
  • [2022] Accelerationism in the gaming modification Hearts of Iron IV: Red Flood. Presentation at the workshop  #Acceleration? #WTF? Localizations, Politics, Subjectivations. University of Paderborn, 24-25.11.2022.