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Lectures in lecture series, guest seminars at universities
- 2020 Literary practices in elementary school - example: writing, University of Bamberg
- 2019 The weekly writing time - a model for inclusive teaching Guest lecture in the STIFT lecture series, University of Hanover
- 2017 Writing and spelling - individualized and collaborative ways of learning. Guest lecture and teacher training, University of Dresden
- 2014 Spelling - in the common house of learning. Guest lecture in the event series "How much spelling do primary school children need?", University of Kassel
- 2013 Individual learning paths in writing and spelling. Guest lecture, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
- 2011 Individually meaningful writing as the basis of writing competence development. Guest lecture in the lecture series "Reading and Writing: Learner Perspectives and Skill Experiences", University of Hamburg
- 2010 Writing, reflecting, revising and presenting your own texts. Teaching assignment, University of Bremen, winter semester 2009/10
- 2008 "Valuing every child!" Film presentation and discussion on writing in elementary school. Guest event Goethe University Frankfurt
Lectures at scientific conferences
- 2019 Authors' rounds as a context for collaborative work on formulations - observations from elementary school, theS Summer School for Empirical Didactic Writing Research, University of Münster
- 2018 Authors' rounds. Theoretical reconstruction of children's literary competences in elementary school through conversations about their own texts - an interdisciplinary study Symposion Deutschdidaktik (SDD), University of Hamburg
- 2017 Authors' rounds. Development of children's literary skills in elementary school WG Writing Language Acquisition in the SDD, University of Paderborn
- 2017 Conversations about own texts in authors' rounds - initiation of literary identity within a writing community, conference on the topic: Writing texts in primary school. Approaches to children's perspectives. University of Koblenz
- 2014 Reflection on the quality of own texts in writers' groups - case documentation. SDD, University of Basel
- 2012 Literary procedures in the context of own texts. SDD, University of Augsburg
- 2012 Inclusion in German lessons - example: writing time. dgls conference, University of Bielefeld
Lectures and workshops at specialist conferences and congresses
- 2020 Collaborative work on formulations in the context of authoring rounds. German symposium at the Hamburg State Institute
- 2020 Individual spelling training and joint spelling discussions. German symposium at the Hamburg State Institute
- 2019 Living in writing - writing in life. Federal Primary School Congress, Frankfurt
- 2019 Individual and joint learning paths in writing. Lecture series "100 years of elementary school" of the Stuttgart Regional Council
- 2018 Reading through writing - A critical look back and forward. Reading through writing conference in Weimar
- 2018 Writing time - training literary skills. German symposium at the Hamburg State Institute
- 2018 Authors' rounds - Acquisition of educational language. German "Language of Education" symposium at the Hamburg State Institute
- 2018 Writing as a way to develop personal and professional potential. Education Congress Archive of the Future, Lüneburg
- 2016 Authors' rounds. Thinking together about the qualities of your own texts - learning in dialog. Annual Conference on Dialogic Learning, University of Teacher Education Zug/Switzerland
- 2016 Writing well and correctly - on the basis of your own texts. German symposium at the Landesinstitut Hamburg
- 2016 Developing writing skills by reflecting on text quality. German symposium "Strengthening writing" at the Hamburg State Institute
- 2015 Writing in multicultural primary, middle and upper school classes. QUIMS conference (Quality in multicultural schools), Zurich University of Teacher Education
- 2015 Children on the way to writing - with and without basic vocabulary (lecture and workshop). Kick-off event for the introduction of the Bremen basic vocabulary
- 2015 Working with a basic vocabulary. Primary school day on the new CurriculumPLUS Bavaria/Primary School Association
- 2014 Good and happy (correct) writing. Symposium of the Germanist Association, Sankelmark
- 2014 Writing as a way of developing individual potential. Archive of the Future education congress, Bregenz
- 2014 Learning to spell - structured, systematic, individual. Conference on learning to write and spell, LISUM Berlin/Brandenburg
- 2013 "Klasse Texte" - developing writing skills in the classroom. dgls conference, Berlin
- 2013 LRS - What can teaching with everyone achieve? Masterplan LRS conference, Berlin
- 2013 Writing individually meaningful texts - working together on texts. QUIMS conference (Quality in multicultural schools), Zurich University of Teacher Education
- 2010 Individualization in writing in elementary school. International dgls anniversary conference, Berlin
- 2009 Promoting and evaluating writing
- 2007 Summer Academy Innsbruck University of Teacher Education
Further events on the topics of writing, spelling, reading, inclusion, etc.
- since 2010 Further training courses with colleges from reform schools (including school award-winning schools) and schools abroad (e.g. Montessori Oberschule Potsdam, Reformschule Kassel-Waldau, Helene-Lange-Schule Wiesbaden, Deutsche Schule Oslo)
- since 2002 Lectures and workshops as part of annual conferences (e.g. in the series Schrift, Schreiben, Schriftlichkeit, Hessisches Kultusministerium, Schulanfangstagungen in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, further training for volunteer reading mentors, Verein Mentor Lübeck)
- Since 1995 Qualification measures for teachers and trainers in various federal states (Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin). Federal states (Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin/Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony, Thuringia)