Student life at and around the university: Discover Szeged

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As part of the "Kassel-Szeged" practical seminar for Master's students at the Institute of German Studies at the University of Kassel, various impressions from Szeged were collected and made available to interested parties.

Seminar leader: Aleksandra Czajkowska
Participating students:
Thomas Czirnich, Melanie Henkler, Kitti Kovács, Christin Krämer, Tanja Lau, Annika Leistner, Julia Pater, Gergely Polyák

Field report on the city of Szeged

By the way, in Hungarian it is called...

How are you? - hogy vagy
Good day - Jó napot
Hello - szia
Where can I find....? - Get van...?
Office hours - fogadóóra
Library - könyvtár
Student union - HÖK

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