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Ilse Müllner

1966Born in Vienna, studied Catholic theology in Vienna and Tübingen

From 1990 doctoral studies in Münster, completed doctorate in 1996

1993Research assistant at the Feminist Theology Research Center

1993-1997 Research assistant (from August 1996 research assistant
Assistant) at the Seminar for Contemporary and Religious History of the Old
Testament of the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the WWU Münster

Lectureships at the KFH Münster, the University of Essen,
the University of Würzburg and the University of Graz, freelance work at
theological adult education

1997-2004Assistant lecturer at the University of Essen in the field of old
Testament, supervision of the Judaism Studies specialization

1999Two-month study visit to the Hebrew University in Jerusalem

1999-2001 Training as a psychodrama assistant

2003-2004 Deputy Chair of the Old Testament at the University of Kassel

since April 2004 Professor of Biblical Theology at the Institute for Catholic Theology at
University of Kassel (originally Faculty 01 / now Faculty 02)

March 2006 to Dean of Faculty 01 Educational Science/
February 2009Human Sciences

July 2007 Birth of Franziska, until July 2008 Parental leave

April 2009 Birth of Hannah, until April 2010 Parental leave

2012 to 2014 Training in biography work at the Systemic Institute Kassel

Most recently July 2021 Managing Director of the Institute for Catholic Theology at
until May 2023 Faculty 02 of the University of Kassel

Further tasks and networking

  • since 2021 Ombudsperson of the University of Kassel to ensure good scientific practice
  • Member of the Research Commission of the University of Kassel since 2018
  • 2017 to 2020 Member of the commission on performance-related pay as part of the W salary scheme
  • 2010 to 2013, 2014 to 2016, 2021 to 2023 Managing Director of the Institute of Catholic Theology
  • 2011 to 2017 Member of the Academic Senate of the University of Kassel
  • 2006 to 2009 Dean of Faculty 01/Education and Human Sciences at the University of Kassel
  • since 2004 Member of the selection committee for the Franz Rosenzweig Visiting Professorship at the University of Kassel
  • Since 2021 Advisor to the Faith Commission of the German Bishops' Conference.
  • Since 2021 Member of the editorial board of the Yearbook for Biblical Theology
  • Since 2014 Member of the discussion group "Jews and Christians" at the Central Committee of German Catholics
  • Since 2012 Member of the exegesis group of the German Protestant Church Congress
  • 2010-2018 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Katholisches Bibelwerk (from 2012-2014 chairwoman)
  • AGAT: Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutschsprachiger katholischer AlttestamentlerInnen (2017-2021 presiding member)
  • AGENDA: Forum of Catholic Women Theologians
  • SBL: Society of Biblical Literature
  • ESWTR: European Society for Women's Theological Research
  • May 2010-2013 Catholic Chair of the Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation (cjz) in Kassel, Germany.
  • 2005-2007: Member of the Board of Trustees of the Archive of the German Women's Movement (Kassel)

Lectures and conferences

  • 15 to 17 March 2023: together with Prof. Dr. Ansgar Wucherpfennig sj, organization of the conference "The Normativity of the Torah in the Christian Bible" at the Hochschule Sankt Georgen in Frankfurt/Main

  • March 16, 2023: Narrative and instruction as basic literary forms of the Torah. Lecture at the conference "Die Normativität der Tora in der christlichen Bibel" in Frankfurt/Main

  • September 7, 2022: Taking Measure of Scripture. Sketches of a biblical hermeneutics. Lecture at the conference of the DFG network "Religious Pedagogical Hermeneutics"

  • August 9, 2022: Ebenen des Erzählens und die Glaubwürdigkeit der Erzählung, lecture given as part of the panel Between Fiction and Facts: Historicity and Religiosity in the Books of Samuel at the congress of the IOSOT (International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament) in Zurich

  • October 8, 2021: Against Silence. Biblical texts address sexualized violence, lecture at the conference Zur Sprache kommen. Biblical texts and sexualized violence at the Franz-Hitze-Haus Academy (Münster)

  • March 9, 2021: together with Rabbi Natalia Verzhbovska, double scripture interpretation of the Song of Hannah (1 Sam 2) as part of the Week of Brotherhood

  • December 9, 2020: Frightening Continuities: Reading Stories on Sexual Violence in the Book of Samuel Today, lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Society for BIblical Literature (Online)

  • September 29-30, 2020: Biblical theological training on the topic of identity as part of the biblical pastoral training of the Katholisches Bibelwerk at Haus Ohrbeck/ Georgsmarienhütte

  • June 5, 2020: Lecture Torah - Prophecy - Kingship. Power Criticism from the First Testament as part of the online conference Power Criticism through Theology, organized by Goethe University Frankfurt
  • October 22-23, 2019: Biblical theology training on the topic of identity as part of the biblical pastoral training of the Katholisches Bibelwerk in Würzburg
  • 6 August 2019: Lecture The gender of politics. The Familiarization of Rule in the Dynastic Monarchy at the annual conference of the IOSOT (International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament) in Aberdeen

  • June 12, 2019: Walter Dietrich's commentary on 1 Sam 27 - 2 Sam 8. Lecture on the occasion of the publication of the third volume and his 75th birthday (Bern)

  • May 14, 2018: Lecture Shared Scripture. Reflections on addresseeship from a Christian perspective as part of the conference Gegenwart und Zukunft des christlich-jüdischen Dialogs (Frankfurt)
  • September 19-20, 2017: Further training for pastoral staff: "Here I am" - Encountering God from a biblical and biographical perspective (Aachen)
  • September 8, 2017: Lecture "How are we meant? Christian readings of the First Testament between rejection and appropriation as part of the Re-Thinking Erich Zenger conference in Hofgeismar

  • July 2015: Lecture Between acceptance and rebellion. Old Testament approaches to dealing with suffering as part of the Ecumenical Summer Academy at Kremsmünster Abbey
  • June 26, 2015: The Song of Songs as a song of songs. A live radio play. in the chapel of the Elisabeth Hospital
  • June 12-14, 2015: Spaces - Bodies - Holiness. Lecture as part of the 12th Hohenheim Theologians' Meeting: RAUMDESIGN - spatial concepts in theological discourse
  • June 5, 2015: together with Prof. Dr. Christl Maier Bible study at the German Protestant Church Congress on Kohelet 3
  • May 9, 2015: Testimony of faith in St. Familia
  • April 25, 2015: Lecture The Old Testament as a space of encounter with God and with oneself. Food for thought for biblical pastoral ministry as part of a conference organized by the Katholisches Bibelwerk Stuttgart: "The words grow with the readers" (Gregory the Great). Biblical pastoral impulses 50 years after Dei Verbum
  • October 23, 2014: "You are the man!" Cognitive processes in and on biblical narratives using the example of the learning David in 2 Sam 12 and 14. Guest lecture at the University of Graz
  • September 2, 2014: Constructions of gender in regulative texts of the Torah. Lecture at the AGAT annual conference in Erfurt
  • July 30-31, 2014: together with. Prof. Dr. Thomas Naumann (Siegen) Die Samuelbücher in der Genderperspektive. Seminar as part of the Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense (University of Leuven)
  • February 12, 2014: together with Prof. Dr. Anne-Charlott Trepp Bodies - Spaces - Holiness. Old Testament and early modern perspectives on the dynamics of space and gender. Lecture as part of the lecture series of the Graduiertenkolleg Dynamics of Space and Gender of the Universities of Kassel and Göttingen
  • November 27, 2013: Space in motion. Holiness, Materiality and Gender in the Ark Narrative of the Books of Samuel. Guest lecture at the University of Erfurt
  • August 24, 2013: "Get up and eat! Otherwise the way will be too far for you."Biblical perspectives on demands, limits and the desire for abundance. Protestant Academy Hofgeismar
  • April 18, 2013: Stories that life writes. Narratology, biography work and biblical storytelling. Institute for Religious Education Loccum
  • April 17, 2013: together with Herta Schindler Stories that anchor in the soul - Bible and biography. Systemic Institute Kassel
  • July 4, 2012: together with Prof. Dr. Martina Sitt. Hagar - a biblical figure in text and image. Lecture as part of the lecture series Art and Gender of the IAG Women's and Gender Studies at the University of Kassel
  • June 18, 2012: Guest lecture at the University of Würzburg on the topic of Ancient Oriental goddesses and female images of God in the Bible in the search movements of contemporary religiosity
  • May 19, 2012: together with Dr. Yvonne Sophie Thöne: Workshop Sexual violence: naming it - and then? Biblical perspectives as part of the 98th German Katholikentag Mannheim 2012
  • May 18, 2012: Panel discussion For a serving and poor church! The impetus of the Catacomb Pact at the Second Vatican Council in 1965 as part of the 98th German Catholic Day Mannheim 2012
  • March 11, 2012: Lenten sermon in St. Familia Kassel. Why did Jesus have to die?
  • February 23, 2012: Exile, diaspora and the portability of the saint. Lecture as part of the event series of the Kurhessian Society for Art and Science
  • January 9, 2012: Guest lecture at the University of Mainz on the topic of sexual violence and the power of storytelling. Biblical traditions
  • June 1, 2011: Guest lecture at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Vienna entitled Von Mutterhäusern, Landestöchtern und Stadtfrauen. Gendered Spaces in the Old Testament
  • Summer semester 2011: Event series "Being human from the beginning? Three evenings on the current ethics debate together with the KHG and the ESG Kassel
  • May 5, 2011: Lecture The figure of wisdom in the context of post-exilic monotheism at the Evangelisches Forum Kassel
  • 7-9 April 2011: Co-organizer of the conference Gottes Name(n). Academic symposium in memory of Erich Zenger (1939-2010) in Münster
  • March 16, 2011: Guest lecture Narratives of Violence in the Old Testament. Dealing with difficult traditions at the University of Lucerne
  • February 4-5, 2011: Lecture An den Rändern des Erzählens. Metalepses in Old Testament Literature at the symposium Metalepses in Ancient Literary and Artistic Discourses at the University of Giessen
  • January 15, 2011: Lecture and workshop at the New Year's reception for women of the Archdiocese of Paderborn
  • June 10, 2010: "Breaking the Silence - Sexual Violence in Biblical Narratives". Leader of the theme evening at the Adolph Kolping Regional House
  • November 2, 2008: "What serves life is just". Sermon as part of the university sermons in the Karlskirche; semester topic: RIGHTEOUSNESS(es)
  • February 4, 2007: Lecture as part of the event Seele - Kehle. On singing and meaning (Soundcheck 15). Together with Olaf Pyras, Reinhard Karger and the choir of the University of Kassel in the Kreuzkirche Kassel
  • January 19, 2007: "Why there is no school on Sunday - The invention of the 7-day week in the Bible". Lecture as part of the children's university at the University of Kassel
  • January 13, 2007: "Finding a taste for the good life". Lecture as part of the New Year's reception for women at the Liborianum, Paderborn
  • October 10, 2006: "... so that it starts differently between all of us." (Hilde Domin) Empathy and morality in Gen 4. Guest lecture at the University of Graz
  • October 4, 2006: On the art of practicing letting go in doing. Wisdom and happiness in the Old Testament. Lecture and discussion at the Adolph Kolping Regional House, Kassel
  • July 3, 2006: On the art of practising letting go in doing. Theological moments of happiness. Lecture as part of the lecture series on happiness at the University of Kassel
  • May 5, 2006: "Let the wife be subject to the husband" (Eph 5:24). On dealing with misogynistic texts in the Bible. Lecture at the Karl Rahner Academy in Cologne
  • February 28, 2006: The place of understanding. Bible study on Job 28. Lecture at the Convention of the Federation of Evangelical Free Churches.

  • September 28, 2005: Time, space and view. Hermeneutical and methodological foundations for analyzing biblical narrative texts. Lecture at the conference of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Assistentinnen und Assistenten an bibelwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Österreich (September 28-30, 2005 in Salzburg).

  • August 30, 2005: The Place of Understanding. Job 28 as part of the epistemological discussion of the Book of Job. Lecture at the annual conference of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschsprachigen katholischen Alttestamentlerinnen und Alttestamentler (29.08.-01.09.2005 in Olomouc).

  • June 14, 2005 : "Dialogical Authority. The biblical canon from the perspective of feminist theology". Lecture at the University of Vienna.

  • April 27, 2005: "Kanonische Schriftauslegung. From the sense of the author to the reading community". Lecture at the conference of the Kassel Deanery
  • December 10, 2004: The canonical process under the conditions of the real existing patriarchy - hermeneutical considerations. Lecture at the conference Gender Studies e Testi Sacri (9.-11.12.2004 in Trento)

  • December 8, 2004: "Status and future of feminist exegesis". Lecture on the occasion of the Dies academicus of the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Bonn
  • December 6, 2004: New beginnings - upheavals - limits? The future of feminist theology. A contribution from the perspective of biblical studies. Lecture on the occasion of the Dies academicus of the University of Bonn
  • October 8, 2004: "Eve, a biblical person on the move". Lecture at the Liborianum, Paderborn