"Gender justice" as the annual theme of the Institute of Catholic Theology
From the winter semester 2023/24 to the summer semester 2025, the Institute of Catholic Theology is offering an interdisciplinary annual theme "Gender justice". The aim is to train future religious education teachers in a power-critical, gender-sensitive and theologically competent manner and thus to strengthen awareness of and perspectives on gender and diversity in teacher training courses in theology. In order to achieve this, the annual theme is supported by various events.
Thematic focus of courses in the winter semester 2024/25 on the annual theme:
KTh.002: Anthropological fundamental questions on gender justice. Religious education reflections and concretions (Prof. Dr. Annegret Reese-Schnitker)
KTh.003: Developing language skills when talking about sexuality and sexualized violence in (religious) education. Ein Lehr-Lern-Projekt (Prof. Dr. Annegret Reese-Schnitker)
KTh.005: Queere Theologie im Religionsunterricht (Tina Krasenbrink)
KTh.006: Religionsunterricht planen und gestalten (mit Blick auf Geschlechtergerechtigkeit) (Helena Fernys-Adamietz)
KTh.012: Theologische Anthropologie - geschlechtergerecht? Systematic theological and religious education perspectives (Prof. Dr. Mirja Kutzer)
KTh.013: Gender-sensitive teaching of God (Prof. Dr. Mirja Kutzer)
Further events:
- Implementation of a religious education and theology study day in the winter semester
- Organization of a study day for pupils in cooperation with the subject leaders of the study seminar in the summer semester
In addition, empirical research will be carried out to accompany the courses offered in order to evaluate the newly established teaching formats.