Journal for Interaction Research in German as a Foreign Language (ZIAF)

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The publisher-independent and advertising-free Journal for Interaction Research in German as a Foreign Language (ZIAF) is an open access publication that is operated with the support of the Marburg University Library via the Open Journal System (OJS) program. The journal is available at  . The publication and retrieval of articles is free of charge.

As editors, we see great potential in open access publications in terms of education and science policy, as they contribute to the fair, transparent and sustainable availability of scientific knowledge, among other things. We are trying to support these and other goals associated with open access publications for the scientific community in GFL in the newly founded ZIAF. Further information on the educational, legal and administrative dimensions of open access can be found here

With the ZIAF the aim of the editors is to provide direct and rapid access to the latest developments in GFL-related interaction research for all those interested in the topic of "Interaction in the GFL context" and to enable them to participate directly  in international academic exchange.