Integrative biophilosophy

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Research focus of the Department of Theoretical Philosophy

Project Collaborator "Integrative Biophilosophy" 2020

The research focus on integrative biophilosophy in theoretical philosophy at the University of Kassel encompasses heterogeneous approaches to the philosophical examination of living phenomena, their exploration and their techno-scientific conditioning. Thus, Integrative Bi ophilosophy does not represent an alternative to existing approaches to the philosophy of life sciences, but rather sees itself as complementing and extending them. Integrative bi ophilosophy therefore addresses both theoretical and conceptual questions arising from biological research itself, as well as methodological and epistemological perspectives on the practices, figures of thought and forms of representation in the biosciences. In line with current approaches in the philosophy of science, historical and social aspects are also included. However, integrative biophilosophy is not limited to scientific approaches to the living, but also includes metaphysical questions and phenomenological perspectives that take up life-world and bodily aspects. Natural philosophy (of living phenomena), philosophical anthropology and individual sub-disciplines of applied ethics (such as environmental ethics, animal ethics or bioethics) are therefore also part of integrative biophilosophy. The research focus does not leave these strands of reflection unconnected, but rather seeks innovative and meaningful syntheses.

Selected publications

  • Michelini, F. and K. Köchy, (2020)
    Jakob von Uexküll and Philosophy.
    Life, Environments, Anthropology

    New York: Routledge,
    see here.
  • Three articles (2018-19) in
    History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
    see here
  • Böhnert, M., K. Köchy, and M. Wunsch (eds.) (2016-18)
    Philosophy of Animal Research, 3 vols.
    Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber,
    see here
  • Köchy, K., (2008)
    Biophilosophy as an Introduction
    Hamburg: Junius.