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Under modernization of training and teaching in Tunisia, the project seeks to internationalize and professionally improve training in literary and linguistic studies and philosophy, with the involvement of smaller institutes. The organized courses include the training of teachers (master's students, doctoral students, post-doctoral students, post-doctoral students) with special attention to the methodology of scientific work (current working methods in the humanities) and the current working and teaching methods of university didactics, as well as the introduction of the theme "Responsibility, Justice and Memory Culture", which should motivate students and teachers.
Two three-day courses have been held so far in 2015:
- Dr. Franziska Dübgen (University of Kassel), block seminar on Justice, diversité et reconnaissance, Le "qui", le "quoi" et le "comment" de la justice: les sphères "glocales" de justice et les modèles indigènes de critique and Justice transitionelle at Faculté 9 Avril/ Tunis, 03-05.03.2015.
- Dr. Felix Saure (Leuphana University of Lüneburg), block seminar on cultural studies university didactics in practice: Kehlmann's 'Vermessung der Welt' as a German memory site for teaching German studies at ISSH Medenine/ University of Gabes, 03.-05.03.2015.
- Still planned is Dr. Bettina Bock (University of Halle), block seminar on Language and Politics - Linguistic Approaches at FLAH Manouba/ Tunis, 05-07.11.2015.
In 2014, a total of five four-day teaching events were held:
- Dr. Matthias Katzer (Friedrich Schiller University Jena / University of Vechta), block seminar on the topic: Le débat sur l'universalité des droits de l'homme at ISSH Tunis (Institut Supérieur des Sciences Humaines de Tunis/ University of Al-Manar), 26.2 - 1.3.2014.
- Dr. Felix Saure(Leuphana University of Lüneburg), Block seminar on: Cultural Heritage and Memory Culture in Higher Education and German Studies at ISSH Medenine (Institut Supérieur des Sciences Humaines de Medenine/ University of Gabes), 4-7.3.2014.
- Dr. Steffi Hobuß(Leuphana University of Lüneburg), Block seminar ondiscourse theory and analysis - in case studies in the context of the project "Responsibility, Justice and Memory Culture" at FLAH Manouba, Tunis, 10-11.10.2014.
- Prof. Dr. Sven Kramer(Leuphana University of Lüneburg), Block seminar on literature and dictatorship at FLAH Manouba/ Tunis, 06 - 09.11.2014.
- Christiane Hackel (HU Berlin), Block seminar on methods and techniques of scientific work for exam candidates and PhD students at ISSH Medenine/ University of Gabes, 10-12.12.2014.
In 2013, a total of four three-day courses were held:
- Compact course on "New didactic models of teaching literature" by Dr. Bernd Maubach (University of Kassel) from 02-05.04.2013 at FLAH Manouba/ Tunisia.
- Compact course on the topic "Morale kantienne: dignité de la personne - droit républicain - cosmopolitisme - identité" at the Faculty 9th Avril in Tunis by Prof. Dr. Georg Mohr (University of Bremen) from 08-11 April 2013.
- Compact course on "Current developments in German didactics in schools and universities: analysis, reflection and simulation of learning arrangements on the topic of cultural heritage" by Dr. Felix Saure, StR (University of Lüneburg and Gymnasium Buckhorn Hamburg) at ISSH Médenine/ University of Gabes from 01 to 03 October 2013.
- Compact course on the topic "Torn by History - Introduction to the Work of Durs Grünbein" at the FLAHM Manouba/ Tunisia by Dr. Andreas Jürgens (University of Lüneburg) from 19 to 21 November 2013.