In teaching, the department covers a culturally and historically enlightened literary studies, within the framework of which Spanish texts from the Middle Ages to the present are treated. Exemplary are the following areas: Medieval and early modern literature (drama, epic and novellistics), the Spanish Enlightenment as a central chapter in the history of Spanish identity, Erinnerial cultures in the novel of postfranquism in literature and film; social and political worlds of Latin America in literature and film of the last five decades.Sholing of the professional approach to literature occurs at the levels of text and context. Literary examples are first worked out through subject and textbeschreibung, then placed in historical, cultural-theoretical contexts (discoursehistory, media history, identitytitity history, etc.). This often involves the specific nature of literature in the overall culturalturelcontext.A moresonimportant aspect ofis to illustratemiotical processes of the creation and stabilithemtion of meaning, not only because these processes themselves can be seen in literature on the level of form, butalso because literature often reflects these processes on the level of content and thus sharpens the awarenessofthe question of what it means to live in a culture or even to approach a foreign culture.