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CALAS in KASSEL! From February 10-12, a CALAS conference was held under the theme "Afrontar las crisis: Perspectivas desde América latina". One topic was the question of how horizontal knowledge building can contribute to a fairer society.
Everyone is talking about interdisciplinarity: easy to say, often difficult to do. This volume, recently edited by Prof. Angela Schrott, shows how interdisciplinary cooperation can work in practice.
In 10 chapters, linguists and social scientists, historians and musicologists, literary scholars and communication scientists from Europe and Latin America dare to exchange ideas - with the aim of making thinking between the disciplines tangible and practicable.
Participation in the conference "La horizontalidad en las disciplinas y saberes académicos" from 22. to 24.01.25
Prof. Angela Schrott took part in the conference "La horizontalidad en las disciplinas y saberes académicos" from 22 to 24.01.25. The conference focused on the question of how knowledge can be jointly created and communicated in society and what contribution the humanities and social sciences can make to this.