Curriculum Vitae

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Professional career

since 11/2022: Research assistant in the DFG project "Syntaktische Grundstrukturen des Neuhochdeutschen. Zur grammatischen Fundierung eines Referenzkorpus Neuhochdeutsch" with Prof. Dr. Vilmos Ágel (Department of Linguistics / System-oriented Linguistics, Institute of German Studies)

since 10/2022: Research assistant in the DFG project "Kleine Souveränität. Personal forms of power in everyday life and their representation in the Hispano-American novel of the 20th and 21st centuries" with Prof. Dr. Jan-Henrik Witthaus (Department of Spanish Literature, Institute of Romance Studies)

08/2022-09/2022: Research assistant in the "Booster Romance Studies - QSL project for the evaluation and improvement of study conditions"

04/2020-09/2022: Student/research assistant in the DFG project "Syntaktische Grundstrukturen des Neuhochdeutschen. On the grammatical foundation of a reference corpus of Modern High German" with Prof. Dr. Vilmos Ágel (Department of Linguistics / System-oriented Linguistics, Institute of German Studies)

Student / research assistant at the department "Literary Studies / Literary Didactics" with Dr. Andreas Wicke (Institute of German Studies)

10/2019-09/2022: Student / research assistant at the department "Spanish Literature Studies" with Prof. Dr. Jan-Henrik Witthaus (Institute of Romance Studies)

10/2019-03/2022: Tutor for the course "Grammar of Contemporary German" with Prof. Dr. Vilmos Ágel (Department of Linguistics / System-oriented Linguistics, Institute of German Studies)

10/2019-02/2022: Completion of the study certificate "Italicum" of the Italy Network of the University of Kassel for the acquisition of interdisciplinary Italian competence

03/2019: Practical school studies II for the subject English at the IES Cañada de las Eras in Molina de Segura, Spain

10/2018-05/2022: Studies for the teaching degree for grammar schools (L3) for the subject German at the University of Kassel in the extension subject (grade of the first state examination: 1.0 [passed with distinction])

10/2017-03/2022: Student advisor for various sub-degree programs of the teaching profession (German, English, French & Spanish)

10/2015-02/2020: Subject tutor for the course "Introduction to Linguistics" with Prof. Dr. Holden Härtl (Department of English Linguistics, Institute of English/American Studies)

10/2013-05/2021: Studies for the teaching degree for grammar schools (L3) for the subjects English and Spanish at the University of Kassel (grade of the first state examination: 1.0 [very good pass])

Voluntary commitment

05/2024: Election assistant in the staff council elections at the University of Kassel

01/2024-05/2024: Deputy member of the election committee for the staff council elections at the University of Kassel

05/2021-01/2022: Collaboration in the "AG Examensinfo" for the development of a handout for exam planning in the German teaching degree program (Department 02, Institute of German Studies)

10/2020-03/2022: Elected member of the Faculty Council at Faculty 02 Humanities and Cultural Studies at the University of Kassel

10/2020-06/2021: Participation in the "AG Workload" to reduce the workload in the Romance Studies teacher training programs (Institute of Romance Studies)

04/2020-03/2022: Student representative in the "Study Commission of Faculty 02 for the allocation of decentralized QSL project funds"

11/2019-03/2022: Student representative on the examination board for the French and Spanish teaching degree programs

10/2019-03/2022: Student representative in the Institute of Romance Studies at Faculty 02 Humanities and Cultural Studies at the University of Kassel

04/2019-03/2021: Student representative in the "QSL Commission of Faculty 02"

01/2019-03/2022: Student representative on the examination board for the university entrance qualification of professionally qualified persons in the field of linguistics and cultural studies (state of Hesse)

05/2018-03/2022: Student representative on the examination board for the English teaching degree program

03/2018-09/2020: Student representative on the appointment committee for the bridging professorship "History of Great Britain and North America" at Faculty 05 of the University of Kassel

01-09/2018: Representative of the student body of Faculty 02 at the student council conference of the University of Kassel

10/2017-03/2022: Elected member of the student council at Department 02 Humanities and Cultural Studies at the University of Kassel