Prof. Dr. Vilmos Ágel

Linguistics / System-Oriented Linguistics

Kurt-Wolters-Straße 5
34125 Kassel
Room 3023

☏ +49 561 804-3325

Consultation Hour Summer Semester 2024:

Mondays, 10-11 a.m.

Until further notice, all consultation hour appointments will be made via ZOOM .

My student assistant will send you the link for the ZOOM meeting by e-mail in good time before the agreed appointment.

Appointments can still only be made via Moodle.
" To register

If you have any questions, please contact my student assistant (

Book Recommendation:
Ágel, Vilmos (2017): Grammatical text analysis. Text elements, sentence elements, word group elements. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.
" More about the book

Ágel, Vilmos (2024) (with Maria Gallinat, Kristin George, Laura Sievers): Grammatical text analysis. An introduction to syntax. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter (Germanistische Arbeitshefte 51).
" More about the book

Essay Recommendations:
(2023): Literary grammatical text analysis. The semantic differential value of grammatical structures In: Der Deutschunterricht 1/2023, 23-40.

(2023): Overcoming speechlessness through grammar. Bodo Kirchhoff's "Dämmer und Aufruhr". In: Nanna Fuhrhop/Niklas Reinken/Niklas Schreiber (eds.): Literarische Grammatik. How literary studies and linguistics can benefit from each other. Heidelberg: Winter (Germanistische Bibliothek 78), 1-39.

(with Dagobert Höllein): Sentence structure plans as signs: the semantic roles of German in theory and practice.

" Interview on School Grammar