A Warm Welcome

on the homepage of the Department of 'German Linguistics / System-oriented Linguistics' at the Institute of German Studies at the University of Kassel.

Picture of the study book Grammatical Text AnalysisImage: Marcel Linnenkohl

Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Vilmos Ágel
Kurt-Wolters-Strasse 5
34125 Kassel
Room 3023

Behind the martial name 'system-oriented linguistics' lies the peaceful field of work of a functional grammar (theory and practice) with an understanding of grammar that is shaped by media, culture, society, language typology and language history and is strictly text-related. The focus is on considerations
•  on the role of orality and writing in shaping the structure,
• on the relevance of linguistic-historical developments in the description and explanation of contemporary German structures,
• on the contribution of grammatical structures and patterns to the interpretation of literary texts. patterns for the interpretation of literary texts and
• generally on the concept of grammatical text analysis, a 'top-down' approach to German grammar starting from the text level, including a revision of the theory of sentence elements

Current DFG project

Basic syntactic structures of Modern High German. On the grammatical foundation of a reference corpus of Modern High German (Univ. Kassel and Univ. Gießen)
More information can be found on the project homepage.

Current DFG project: More Infos