Publications and Lectures


Linnenkohl, Marcel (2020): ‚nëmen‘, ‚stëchen‘, ‚trëffen‘, ‚drëschen‘ – Überlegungen zur Wurzelstruktur der alt- und mittelhochdeutschen starken Verben IIIb und IV. In: Sprachwissenschaft. Heidelberg: Winter, Jahrgang 45, Ausgabe 4, 407 - 424.

Schlechtweg, Marcel, Melina Heinrichs & Marcel Linnenkohl (2020): Differences in acoustic detail: The realization of syncretic nouns in German. In: Marcel Schlechtweg (Hg.): The learnability of complex constructions from a cross-linguistic perspective (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 345), 39-62 Berlin: De Gruyter.



Heinrichs, Melina & Schlechtweg, Marcel & Linnenkohl, Marcel (2019): Acoustic differences between supposedly identical singular-plural nouns in German. Poster to be presented at the conference Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE), Lecce, Italy, June 17-19.