Events of the Italy Network

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Conference report at H/SOZ/KULT

Italy Day 2024

We cordially invite you to the tenth Italy Day at the University of Kassel.
The event will take place on June 20, 2024 from 2-6 pm at UNI:Lokal (Wilhelmsstraße 21, 34117 Kassel) and will deal with the topic "Discourses on violence and gender - discorsi sulla violenza di genere ".

We live in times in which gender-equitable speech is a political issue and so-called masculinists use the internet for their anti-feminist fantasies. The tenth Italy Day at the University of Kassel takes a historical perspective and examines discourses on violence and gender in Italy from the Renaissance to the present day.

The lectures examine historical, literary and artistic representations of physical and psychological violence and gender roles and attributions. They range from competitions in the Renaissance to portraits of victims and perpetrators in painting and the literary examination of crime reporting in 19th and 20th century verismo to current films about female murders.


14:00: Welcome/introduction


14:15: Christian Jaser (University of Kassel): Violence, gender, horses - the Italian pali races of the Renaissance


15:00: Jacopo Romei (University of Kassel): Un domani non c'è per tuttә: riflessioni sul femminicidio nell' Italia contemporanea


15:45: Break


16:15: Rudolf Behrens (Ruhr University Bochum): The silent crime. Sexual violence in Italian veristic narration (Verga, Capuana, D'Annunzio)


17:00: Tanja Steinfelser D'Agostino and Martina Sitt (University of Kassel): Beatrice Cenci - a life between victim scenarios and regulatory power


17:45: Closing remarks/farewell


With regard to Jacopo Romei's lecture, I would like to draw your attention to the Romance Studies film evening, which will be showing C'é ancora domani on June 19 (the evening before the Italy Day) at 6 p.m. in Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5 in room -1029. Here is a small teaser:

C'éancora d omani is Paola Cortellesi's first film, set in Rome in the late 1940s. It revolves around Delia, wife and mother, who is caught between tradition and personal freedom. Her husband Ivano often displays authoritarian traits, while Delia takes care of her tyrannical father-in-law. Delia's only consolation is her friendship with Marisa. The family plans the engagement of their daughter Marcella to Giulio, but a mysterious letter encourages Delia to strive for a better future. The award-winning film was released in cinemas in spring 2024 and is already an audience favorite and a huge success in Italy and internationally.

Italy Day 2023

Dear participants of Italientag,

Thank you for your presence and active participation in the eighth italientag of the University of Kassel on the topic of
"Caritas – Kulturen der Fürsorge in Italien / Caritas – Culture dell’assistenza"
we were very pleased.

We would like to thank you for contributing to the success of the event.

Caritas – Kulturen der Fürsorge in Italien / Caritas – Culture dell’assistenza